0.09 : Remember

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James POV:

                After what felt like hours, the others finally returned.  When they did, I sat up straighter and adjusted my position on the floor so that I could see them.

                They looked horrible.  Their mouths were dangling open and they were covered head to toe in a light dust.  As soon as they entered,I could smell the sweat radiating off of their bodies.  I pushed myself against the wall to make more room.

                As soon as the door closed and everyone's rustling ceased, Mak spoke up.

                "So how was your fitting?"  he asked tiredly.  I raised my eyebrows.   "Fine I guess...?"

                He laughed in the dark.  "These clothes itch like hell don't they?"  I smiled even though I knew he couldn't see it.  "Yeah."  When noone else spoke up, I figured that they were all resting.

                I shut my eye's and let my head fall back .  I stayed like that for a while, drifting in and out between thoughts, until I felt something.  Or rather someone. 

                The person shook my arm to see if I was consicous.  When I turned my head in the direction of  the persistant shaking, I saw the faint outline of someone's head.  Their long hair was evident even in the dark. 

                "Ye-yeah?"  I managed to choked out.  The girl found my hand and squeezed it.  When I didn't react, she leaned down to my ear.

                "James, I need you to listen to me closely.  The others in this room don't know what we know, or knew in your case.  You need to try and remember what happened when they first brought you here.  You can't tell anyone when you do.  Im going to find Alek's as well as my friend Logan.  When you get out, find me."  she said in one quick breath.

                I tensed up as I heard her scoot away.  I swallowed the lump in my throat and sat up.

                Remember?  Remember what?  What the hell was she talking about?  Maybe she was crazy.  It wouldn't surprise me, having been in here for so long 

                Had that been the girl with the black hair?  The voice I had heard was new.  How did she know about Alek's?  So many questions had come up since I got here.  It was making my brain feel fuzzy.

                I let out a soft sigh and resumed my position.  The peace didn't last long though.  I soon heard someone scuffling across the floor towards the door.

                A loud knock echoed throughout the room followed by the sound of the door opening.

                I opened my eyes and saw that everyone else was awake too.  It was her.  The girl with black hair.

                She was standing before an aggitated looking guard who had a small pistol tucked into the side of his waistband.  The thought of these people carrying around guns gave me goosebumps.

                "I'm sorry to bother you Mr.Fields, but I havn't been feeling so good and would like to get  checked up on."  she said placing a hand on the side of her head.

                The guard widened his eyes at her.  "Alright Claire, lets go."  he said before grabbing her shoulder and leading her out.

                Just as the door was about to shut, she shot me look over her shoulder and winked.  A loud bang was heard followed by the return of dark.

                Noone spoke for a minute.  I was at a lose for words myself.  All I could think about was what she had said to me only moments before.

                "She got out." someone said so softly I almost didn't pick it up.

                They were right.  That had been her plan.  That was why she had sounded so frantic earlier when speaking to me.  When speaking to me about "remembering".

                "She got out." I repeated.



Sorry for shitty chapter.  School has been crazy as of late and I have been having trouble finding the time to update this between homework and sleeping.  I will try to do you guys better.




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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2015 ⏰

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