0.05 : A New Guest

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James POV:

                I awoke and immediatly knew why.  Something was wrong with my chest.  There was blood all over the my shirt.  I yelled out at the pain I felt when I turned to grab my phone.  Someone had done this.  There was no way I could have stabbed myself in my sleep.  Had I been robbed?  Why hadn't I woken up when this happened?  And was I even stabbed?  I could have been shot for all I know.   

                When my hands didn't find my phone, I immediatly panicked.  My phone had been right here.  I remember because I turned it off before sleeping.  I  needed to seek out my neighbors help.  Or anyone's help at this point.  My hands began to shake and my breathing hitched.  The pain radiating from my chest was unbearable at this point.  I screamed for help.  I looked around frantically for my phone.

                When I looked over in the direction of my dresser, I saw a man standing there.  I screamed again, this time from fear more so than pain.  He stepped closer to me and I saw that he was wearing a suit.  In his right hand was a gun.

                "I shot you with a rubber bullet if thats what your wondering." he said smirking.  I stared back at him with large eyes.  Why was this happening to me?  Wait- Spencer mentioned something about the men wearing suits when they took Alek's. 

                "What did you do to Aleks?" I managed to croak out while groaning at the burning sensation in my chest.  His smile faded.  He took a step closer.

                "I promise you that he is safe with us." he said looking annoyed now.  "How do I know?" I asked barely audible.  "Come with me and see." he said raising a brow.  I could not speak.  Mostly because I was in severe pain but also from shock.  This was my chance.  Even though the guys wouldn't know, I could tell them where Aleks was once I came back.

                "O-okay."  I managed.  I closed my eyes as I tried to shut the pain out.  "Why did you shoot me?" I asked moving my hand to my injury.  "Because I needed to keep you from trying something on me. Who knows what you would do?"

                I sighed.  "I would kick your ass, that's what..." I said under my breath.  "What was that?" he asked.  I said nothing.  I was done talking.  He walked over to my side.  "Sorry." he said before shooting me again in the leg.


Alek's POV:

                I woke up back in the blue hospital room.  This time I knew where I was.  I sat up and removed the air mask from my face.  I looked around the room and noticed Dr.Sydney sitting in a chair staring at me.

                I sighed and rubbed my face.  "What happened?" I asked without looking at her.  She shifted in her seat.  "There was a problem halfway through your test.  The gas machine's timer was broken and so it wouldn't stop pouring in the dome.  I tried to stop it but I only made it worse, causing smoke and- well you know the rest." she explained looking to the floor.

                "What about my test though?  What did it show?"  I asked.  I was curious as to what they got from what I saw, and experienced.

                "Well, from what we were able to gather, your test showed that you have a fear of being trapped, alone and losing someone close to you and that you can act in a situation quickly, find ways cope with things and put two and two together."  she said meeting my eyes again.

                Wow, never saw that coming.  I didn't think that I was any of those things.  "Now that your up, lets go for a walk."  she said standing up and stretching.  I crawled out of my bed and followed her out the door.


                We reached a door after walking down several differnt halls that was blank.  I frowned as Dr.Sydney pushd it open.  Inside were tons of the black and gray outfits that everyone wore around here.  "What are your sizes?" she asked.  I gave my sizes and was handed  pair of black pants and a sweater.  "I will be in the hall." she muttered leaving me alone.

                I quicly changed into the new clothes and sighed.  At least now I had real cothes on me.  I stepped out into the hall and followed the doctor up many more halls until we found ourway back to the ICU.  She suddenly stopped walking and faced me.

                "Aleks...there is someone here to see you." she said searching my eyes.  What?  Is she joking?

                "Who?" I was pleading silently for it to be one of the guys.  I needed them. 

                "...James Wilson."


James POV:

                What had happened to me?  After he shot my leg, Im a blank.  I groaned and touched my chest which was now dry and sewn shut.  Wait, where was I?  That base.  I opened my eyes and sat up, looking around me.  I was in some sort of hospital room, monitors beeping around me and empty chairs along the far wall.

                I looked down to see something a bracelet to my wrist.

                Patient: James Wilon #226

                Residence: Guest ICU

                I had to talk to someone.  Like, now.  I stood up slowly, moaning as my back straightened.  I made it to a chair and stopped, gripping the arm.  My head was a whirlwind and the ground was swayng.  I could hear the door to my room open.  I looked up. 








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