Chapter 11- Sneaking Away

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      I woke up with Hermione and Ginny, getting dressed for the day ahead of us.
      I walked downstairs, "Good morning, everybody!" I yelled to the Gryffindors like I do every morning.
      "Good morning, y/n!" They all yelled back. To my surprise, I didn't hear the two voices that were the most familiar to me.
      "Ron," I said, walking to the couch, "where are the twins?"
      "I don't know." He shrugged, "They're probably playing a prank."
      "Without me?" I asked, "How dare they." I say playfully.
      I left the Common Room and went to the DADA classroom.
      "How can I help you, y/n?" Professor Lupin asked.
      I waved and smiled, "Do you know where the Weasley twins are?"
      "Nope, I don't." He said, rocking back and forth on his heels, "Sorry."
      I shrug, "That's okay."
      I left and went to visit Professor Sprout in the greenhouse. Neville was in there as well.
      "Hey, Neville, Professor." I said.
      Neville waved a dirt-covered hand, "H-Hey."
      "Do you know where the twins are?" I asked him.
      He started rubbing his face to think, "Um..."
      "N-Neville..." I pointed at him, "Neville, you're getting dirt all over your face."
      He looked at his hands, "Oh goodness. Um, t-they might be at Quidditch." He said, wiping his hands on his trousers.
      I gave him a thumbs up, "Thanks, Neville."
      I left the greenhouse and walked to the Quidditch field. I walked through the stands and saw the team scattered around the field doing something different.
      I noticed that none of them were wearing their uniforms, "Hey!" I yelled.
      Both of the twins looked up, "Fred!" George yelled.
      Fred started running towards me like a maniac.
      "Oh my God!" I yelled, running the opposite direction.
      "Wait! Y/n!" Fred yelled, "Wait!"
      I stopped and turned around. He didn't stop, and he rammed right into me, sending me on my arse.
      "Bloody hell, Fred." I said, standing up to my feet.
      He looked at me, "Sorry, you just kind of stopped unexpectedly."
      "It's fine, but you could've at least told me to move." I said.
      He smiled, "I could've, but I didn't."
      I shook my head, "What are you guys doing?" I asked.
      "Oh, that? Um, nothing." He grabbed my shoulder, "Let's go for a walk."
      "Okay?" I said, beginning to walk around the castle with him.
      "So." Fred said, "You know that George is my twin brother."
      I looked at him, "What? No. You should've told me!" I said, punching his arm.
      He chuckled, "Anyways, I want to tell you that if you break my brothers heart, I'm going to tear you to shreds."
      I frowned, "Since when are you into violence?"
      He laughed, "I don't know, it just kinda came to me."
      I patted his back, "Fred, I promise that I will never hurt your brother."
      "Good." He started laughing, "I gave George that exact same threat, and he told me that exact same thing."
      I began to blush, "Really?"
      "Yes." Fred nodded, shoving his hands in his pockets, "Really."
      We talked about Quidditch and pranks and classes and whole bunch of other things before getting around to the Common Room.
      "What are we doing here?" I asked.
      Fred smiled, "Caput Draconis." The door opened, "Ginevra!" Fred yelled.
      Ginny came running down the dorm room stairs, "Don't call me that." She grabbed my arm and pulled me into the Common Room, leaving Fred outside.
      "What is wrong with all of you?" I asked, "What is going on?"
      She drug me upstairs, "You're going to change."
      "For what?" I asked.
      We entered our dorm and I saw an outfit laying across my bed.
      "George picked it out." She said.
      "What?" I looked between her and the outfit, "When?"
      She shrugged, "He said that's classified information."
      I rolled my eyes, "Of course he did."
      I looked at the outfit and picked it up, going to change into it.
      I changed into a pair of skinny jeans and a sweater containing the colors of blue, orange, and white.
      I came out from behind the divider, "Perfect." Ginny smiled, "Come here."
      I walked over to her and sat down on my bed. She climbed onto my bed behind me and started braiding my hair.
      "What is all of this for?" I asked.
      I could hear the smile in her voice, "You'll see."
      I trusted her and put my tennis shoes on.
      "Go back to the Quidditch field." She told me.
      "Why?" I asked.
      "Just do it!" She laughed.
      "Okay!" I yelled at her.
      I left the dorm and went back to the Quidditch field.
      When I got there, the team was leaving the stands. Lastly, George came out. He looked at me and smiled.
      "I am lost for words." He laughed, "I knew that outfit would look good on you."
      "Oh did you now?" I asked.
      He nodded, "Yes, and Fred owes me one sickle."
      "Oh my God." I said, walking up to him, "So, what is this all about?"
      "Let me show you." He said, pointing behind him. He took his wand out, "Lumos."
      He grabbed my hand and led me inside. When we got inside, the entire field was pitch black.
      "Did you know that there's a Muggle shop in Hogsmeade?" He asked me.
      I shrugged, "That doesn't surprise me."
      He laughed, "Well, I bought a projector," he paused, "and I bought a Muggle movie."
      "Did you really?" I asked. We stopped walking, "Which one?"
      "Um, it's a Christmas movie." He said, "Something like, 'Alone', or, I don't know."
      "Home Alone?" I asked.
      His voice went higher, "Yeah! That's it!"
      I started laughing, "Okay."
      "Lay down." He told me.
      I laid down and listened to him lay down next to me. The movie began on this big, black drape over the entire field.
      George grabbed my hand and held it tight, "Well, this should be interesting."
      "It's a good movie." I told him, "Shush."

      Halfway through the movie, George and I looked at each other. We could only see each other's faces through the light of the movie up above.
      "You look really good in the dark." He whispered.
      I laughed, "Shut up."
      "Shh, we're watching a movie." He smiled, "Stop talking."
      "Make me." I told him.
      Without hesitation, he rolled his entire body over and pulled my close, kissing me lightly.
      "Did that work?" He asked after pulling away from me.
      I stayed silent.
      "Perfect." He said.
      I rearranged my body so that my head was laying on George's chest. We continued to watch the movie.

      After the movie finished, George and I sat up.
      "You were right. That was a good movie." He nodded, "But how does the mum and dad forget their own child?"
      I started laughing loudly, "It's funny. It reminds me of you and Fred."
      He nodded, "Okay, I'm picking up what you're putting down."
      "Did you learn a Muggle phrase?" I asked.
      He shrugged, "Maybe."
      I stood up and ran backwards by about ten feet, "Say 'Marco'." I told him.
      He didn't say anything at first, "M-Marco?"
      "Polo." I said.
      I laughed, "No, it's a Muggle game. You say, 'Marco' and then I say, 'Polo', and you have to follow the sound of my voice until you find me."
      "Oh, okay." He cleared his throat, "Marco."
      "Polo." I yelled. I could hear his feet shuffling.
      "Marco?" He said again.
      I walked to the right, "Polo."
      "Did you move?" He asked, sounding offended.
      I giggled, "Yes, I'm allowed to move!"
      "Marco." He tried again.
      "Lumos." A light came from his wand, and he could see me.
      "Hey, that's cheating!" I said.
      He jogged towards me, "I just couldn't stand not seeing you, Love."
      "Sure." I said.
      He dropped his wand and picked me up. I put my arms around his neck, putting my legs around his waist.
      He hugged me around my waist and looked up at me with admiring eyes. I took my right hand and moved his long, red hair out of his face.
      He kissed me as I put my arm back down. I pulled away, "I wish we had more moments like this."
      "We can if you have the time to make them." I told him.
      "Oh, but I don't," he chuckled, "I'm doing too many pranks."
      I tilted my head back, "Then I guess you're out of luck."
      "Or you're the one out of luck." He said, kissing me again.
      I pulled away once more, "Nope, we're both out of luck."
      "I'll take that answer." He said, kissing me again.

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