Chapter 12- Deja Vu

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      It's been about five years since the Battle of Hogwarts. George and I only have one niece so far, Victoire, the daughter of Bill and Fleur. We have no nephews yet, and no children of our own.
      It's Christmas and we're visiting George's family for the holidays. "Home Alone" finished and Molly stood up.
      "That was pretty good for a Muggle movie." Arthur said.
      Molly nodded, "Yes, it reminds me of Fred and George."
      Everybody went silent, "Are you okay?" I whisper in George's missing ear when I see his smile fade away a little.
      He nodded and cleared his throat, "Um, it's late, we should all go to bed so we can wake up early tomorrow."
      Victoire giggled while running to me. I picked her up, "Are excited for Christmas, tomorrow, Vic?"
      She squealed and I kissed her on the cheek before handing her to Bill.
      "Yes," Harry agreed, standing up, "we should go to bed."
      "Yeah, Goodnight, everybody." Ron said.
      "Goodnight." We all said to each other.
      Molly and Arthur went up to their room. Ron and Hermione went into Ginny's old room. Harry and Ginny went into Harry's room. Bill, Fleur, and Victoire went into Percy's old room.
      Hand in hand, George and I walked up to my old room. We walked past the twins' old room, the door was closed.
      We went into the room and I closed the door.
      "Are you sure your okay?" I asked George softly.
      He nodded, "Yes, I'm okay, Love."
      "Okay, just making sure." I tell him, crawling into bed.
      "I know." He climbed into bed next to me.
      We laid on our sides, looking at each other.
      "George, you know that if you ever need a moment to breath, you can take that moment, right? You can just walk out of the room or the house for a little while."
      He nodded. He took his finger and ran it down the bridge of my nose, "I love you."
      I smile, "I love you, too."
      He smiles and we kiss for a split second. I turn around and turn the lamp off, making the room go pitch black.
      Before I could say the word, 'Quidditch', I was out like a light-switch.

      About two hours later, I heard a few whimpers as the bed shook. I woke up, "George." I whispered.
      "No! Fred!" He yelled in his sleep.
      I sat up and grabbed onto his arm, "George, shh, Georgie. George."
      He woke up suddenly. Tears instantly flooded his eyes, "I'm sorry."
      I helped him sit up and pulled him close, "Shh, no, it's okay." As soon as he broke down on my shoulder, my heart shattered, "You're okay."
      "I-It came again." He said through his sobs.
      "I know." I said, my voice cracking, tears running down my face, "I know. I'm right here."
      I slightly rocked him back and forth, "It's okay, I'm right here." I turned my head and kissed him on the cheek.
      He pulled away from me and wiped his face with his hands. Then he saw me and wiped the tears off of my face.
      "Please don't cry. Not over me, not over Fred, never." He said.
      I broke a smile, "I could say the same thing about you. Get some rest."
      We both laid back down and went back to sleep.

      Another hour later, I thought I felt the bed move again. I reached my hand out for George, but nobody grabbed my hand.
      I moved my hand around his side of the bed, trying to feel him, but he wasn't there.
      I opened my eyes, "George?"
      I looked around the room, but he wasn't in there, "George." I whispered again.
      I got out of bed and walked to the door which was wide open. I walked out and onto the stairs.
      I looked across the hall at Hermione's room. The door was closed.
      I slowly walked down the stairs, but froze when I heard someone.
      "Oh, Fred." There was a sniffle, "I wish you were here. I really do. It just isn't the same without you."
      I saw that the George's old room was open. I walked in front of it and say George crying over Fred's bed.
      I shook my head and continued down the stairs silently.
      I walked through the kitchen and to the coat rack. I grabbed George's coat, and then mine.
      I walked back up the stairs slowly. I went into the bedroom.
      I slowly approached George, "Georgie." I whispered, "Come with me."
      He looked up at me, "Where are we going?"
      "Come on." I said, grabbing his hand.
      He stood up and I led him all the way up the stairs and into Harry and Ginny's room. I slowly opened the door and stepped inside, still holding George's hand.
      We walked through the room and I opened the window. I threw the coats onto the roof and climbed on.
      George grunted as he followed me. I handed him his coat, and put my own coat on.
      "Look." I told him, pointing at the sky.
      He laid down, "It's beautiful." He whispered.
      I looked at him, "Hey, George?"
      "I have something to tell you." I said.
      He sat up, "Tell me."
      "I'm pregnant."
      His jaw dropped, "Are you really?"
      "No." I giggled.
       He put his hand up to his heart, "Oh my God. You just gave me a heart attack." He smiled at me.
      "Sorry." I said.
      He looked at his hands, "Y/n?"
      He reached into his back pocket, "Y/n, will you marry me?"
      I covered my mouth with my hand, "Actually?"
      He nodded, "Will you marry me?"
      "Yes!" I said.
      He took my right hand and I got confused.
      "What are you doing?" I asked.
      He smiled, "You know this ring that I gave you years ago?"
      He pulled the ring off of my hand, "It goes in a set." He informed me.
      He put the bronze ring onto my ring finger on my left hand. He took out a ring just like the first one, but it was silver. He put it on my finger, above the first one.
      "This one," he said, pointing at the bronze ring, "is your dating ring. This one," he pointed at the silver one, "is your engagement ring. On our wedding, you'll get a gold ring, going on that same finger."
      I smiled, "Aww."
      He pulled his wand out and grabbed my hand, "Diffindo."
      He started carving into the rings. He carved the date that we started dating into the bronze ring, and the date for today in the silver ring.
      "Finished." He said, putting his wand away.
      I looked up at the sky, "You know," I pointed up at a star, "that star, the brightest star, that's Fred." I told George, he looked up to see what I was talking about, "That's Fred. He's watching over all of us."
      "Oh is he now?" George asked.
      "Mhm. He's saying two things." I told him.
      "What is he saying, Love?" George asked.
      I smiled, "He's saying that he's proud of you."
      George smiled at me, "What's the other thing?"
      I started crying, "He's saying that I owe him one sickle."

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