Chapter 3- Dinner

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      I look around in the circle, "Um, George. Truth or dare?"
      "Dare." He responded quickly.
      "Um, throw the first thing that you think of out of the window." I am so bad at this game.
      "You want me to throw you out the window?" He asked me, smirking.
      I roll my eyes, "No. An object."
      "Oh." He grabbed the case for Harry's glasses and chucked it outside.
      Right when he did so, Errol came out of nowhere and was knocked out by the case.
      "Bloody hell." Ron said, standing up and looking out the window, "You've hit Errol."
      The twins looked at each other. They stood up and grabbed a long rope from underneath Harry's bed.
      "You guys just have a random rope in this room?" I whispered.
      "They have ropes everywhere." Ginny told me.
      The twins hooked the rope onto the windowsill, "Don't tell mum." They said before siding down to the owl.
      "Kids! Dinner!" Molly yelled through the staircase.
      We all stood up and ran down the stairs. We all sat down at the table except for me, as there were only two more seats open. I didn't want one of the twins to stand at their own table.
      "Where are the twins?" Molly asked. Everybody stayed silent, "Y/n, do you know where the twins are?"
      "They went that way." I said, pointing at the floor.
      "They did?" She raised an eyebrow at me
      "Did what?" I asked, trying to stall for the boys.
      She put her hands on her hips, "Went that way."
      I looked around, "Who did?"
      "Fred and George." She answered.
      "The twins?" I asked, tilting my head.
      The boys walked down the stairs quietly, "What have you two taught this girl?" Molly asked them.
      "I don't know what you're talking about." Fred said.
      Molly huffed, "Why was she covering for you?"
      "Mum, she was like that before we met her." George shrugged. He stopped at the last open seat, "Here, y/n, sit."
      I shake my head, "No, it's okay."
      "Sit down." He told me.
      I looked at him, "No." the word just rolled off my tongue.
      He walked over to my and picked me up from behind. I can feel the butterflies in my stomach.
      He set me in the chair, "There. That makes me feel better."
      Molly looked at George and smiled.
      "So, y/n." Arthur started, "How many times have you been in detention."
      "Dad." George said, he sounded disgusted.
      Arthur shrugged, "I'm just curious."
      "Yeah, no, it's okay. I get it, considering I'm best friends with your trouble-makers, it makes sense." I giggled at the twins.
      "Hey!" They both said.
      "I have been in detention at least once every day." I cock my head to the side, "When I don't have detention, I just wasn't caught."
      "Dear lord." Arthur said, "What do you do?" He asked, intrigued.
      I shrugged, grabbing some of the chicken-pot-pie that was placed in front of me, "I do pranks. Sometimes I set off fireworks in the great hall, sometimes I send howlers to random people, it all depends on the day."
      Molly's jaw dropped, "Boys. You need to stop corrupting her."
      "We haven't done anything, Mum." They said.
      "Thank you, Molly, for the food. It's delicious." I shove more food into my mouth.
      "You're welcome, dear."
      George reached over my shoulder to get more food. I looked up and he was looking straight down at me.
      "Excuse me for a moment, please." Everybody nodded and I went upstairs.
      I went to my room and opened my trunk. I dug through my clothes and grabbed a bunch of pranking devices of my own invention.
      I went around to every room, setting them underneath beds. Every room except for the twins.
      I went back to my room and put the extras in my trunk.
      I made my way back downstairs.
      "Are you okay, dear?" Molly asked.
      I nod, "Yeah, I could be singing with excitement."

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