Conner Darcy Part 3

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Annabeth wasn't kidding, and she had been missing for almost a month. Then two, then three, then four, then five. Conner thought she would be back the next week, but at this rate he doubted she would come for a year.

Conner became worried and texted her every day and called as well. Nobody picked up. He left texts and voicemails telling her that he needed her and missed her terribly. He kept reminding her that she needed to forget about her boyfriend and come back.

Soon he became lonely and the same silent person he was before, lurking in the halls. He decided he would start again in a new school. He persuaded his parents to let him move to Goode High. He wanted a fresh start.

Halfway through junior year he got into Goode and fit in. He became the new swim team captain, and new Mathletes captain. He hung out with the jocks, and people called him popular. Conner loved this new self. Girls were all after him.

The popularity and ego went to his head, and he became a completely different person. He went from a sweet kind person into an arrogant rude person, becoming a player himself. He dated a girl for a week, and dumped her the next. Annabeth was stuck in his mind, and he was waiting for her.

His younger brother Andrew went to his old boarding school, he visited over there often. He used the excuse that he was visiting his brother, but really he was waiting to see in Annabeth came back. She still hadn't.

Currently, it was the first day of senior year, and Conner was eager to be back. He couldn't wait to be swim captain, Mathletes captain, and have girls drooling over him again. Conner didn't know all of this would be stolen.

That morning, he was talking with his friends at his locker. His friend Joe was telling how he dated a girl during the summer and dumped her before school. Conner laughed and congratulated his friend on his smart dating skills.

They talked about sports and girls when Conner heard a beautiful voice behind him. He turned around expecting to see some hot girl who he could date and dump, but he saw somebody he never thought he would see again. He saw Annabeth.

And Percy Jackson, but who cared?

They looked different. They were both muscular and had tiny scars. In their eyes was a small broken look like they went through something traumatic. They were talking with Percy's friends, and Annabeth held his hand which annoyed him.

They were standing in a circle and were laughing about something Percy said. What was so funny? What did he say?

That wasn't the most surprising thing. The most surprising thing was that Percy kissed Annabeth's forehead, and said I love you. They were together? They loved each other now?

Conner got infuriated. She didn't bother to text him back, reply to his voicemails and call him? Not even assure him that she was okay! He stomped over to where Annabeth was with her soon-to-be-ex-boyfriend and friends stopping beside her. She looked up her eyes widened.

"Conner? What are you doing here?" she asked

"What am I doing here?" snarled Conner. "You didn't text me back, you didn't call me, and you didn't even tell me of you were okay!"

"Great to see you too" said Annabeth awkwardly

"Don't talk to me with that sass." snapped Conner. "And Jackson," Percy raised his eyebrows. "This is my school, so I get what I want"

"And what do you want?" asked Percy, rolling his eyes

"Annabeth. Your girlfriend"

Percy put his arms around Annabeth's shoulders from behind. "Hmm... Yeah not happening" he said. "And no use trying to break us up"

Conner rolled his eyes. "Did you not hear me Jackson? I get what I want"

"What is your problem?" asked Annabeth, hurt flashing through her eyes. "You were so sweet and caring"

"What happened?" seethed Conner. "You left me alone for almost two years for a stupid boy!" said Conner pointing at Percy. "And you come back without telling me? Supposedly you two love each other now. This is how you pay me back for waiting patiently for you?"

"Okay. That makes no sense at all." she said taking a step towards Conner staring at him in the eye. "You will be nice to my boyfriend, or you will have to go through me. And you do not want to do that"

Then Annabeth entwined her fingers with Percy's fingers and they walked away. He was going to follow them when his friend Joe stopped him. "Don't want to catch them kissing do you?" Conner sighed and gritted his teeth before nodding.

"He Lisa!" he said to a girl he had dated last year. "Want to go out again?"


That week, Percy came to the swim team tryouts. To Conner's surprise, the whole team gave him bog hugs. That afternoon Percy took his 'rightful place' as team captain. Apparently Percy was swim team captain in sophomore year and helped the team beat every school. Conner only became swim team captain since Percy was gone. That crashed his ego.

A few day late, Annabeth took his spot as the leader of the Mathletes.

Now Conner had to see Annabeth cheering for Percy at every swim meet, and Percy cheering for Annabeth at every Mathelete competition.

Why did he have to mess with them? He should have left them alone. Everybody started hating him when they heard how he had tried to take the new girl so rudely and break up the 'it' couple. Why did he open his big fat mouth? He let his mouth speak and he lost all of his tiles and popularity. And where did the popularity go? To Percy and Annabeth!

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