Ch. 4

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Rebecka's POV

A cold breeze went through the room and I shivered. The super thin "barely there"-night gown did not keep you warm. At. All. I turned over to look around my room. The burned out fire casted a faint glow from the fire place.

My sleep coated eyes barely noticed the black shadow before a hand clasped over my mouth. A masked man with yellow eyes stared down at me. Though his face was covered, his cat-slithered eyes screamed how much he didn't want this. He jumped soundlessly on the bed and straddled me.

The shock wore off and I swung my arms and tried to claw at his face in vain.
"Damsel in distress, I'm a fragile noble woman, not a witch, not a witch... "
I chanted to myself. My fingers itched with magic to zap him off me, but I can't since I'm a damn 'damsel in distress'.

He grabbed my hands and pushed down. He had a iron grip on my wrists and held them to each side of my head.
"Who are you and what do you want?"
I demanded with a steady and authority voice. His cat eyes widened at my voice as if he thought I wouldn't speak, but hardened the next second.

He didn't answer me just switched hands to hold me with his left one.
I struggled and tried to pull away but he was too strong. I could tell I would have bruises in the morning. He reached behind his back and pull out a knife. My heart pounded like crazy and I trashed in his hold as he brought the knife to my throat.

"I'm sorry." he whispered and I did the only thing that came to my mind.

"AHHH!!!" My high pitched scream hurt my own ears so I almost felt sorry for him, half-bloods usually have very sensitive hearing. I knew he was a half-blood when I saw his eyes, only a half-blood has eyes like this.

I caught the man off-guard. He released my wrists and all thoughts of playing a fragile lady flew out the window. I punched him as hard as I could. "Maybe a little too hard."

A little of my magical engery got in my fist and knocked him back. He stared weirdly at me and I screamed again. "Play it off, your a defenseless terrified girl." I thought. And boy, was I glad for the guards timing as they stormed in my bedroom.

The masked man cursed and ran to the open window and jumped out. I ran after and reached the window just in time to see him land on all four and run away. I doubt the guards saw hiss eyes, so they can't know he's a half-blood.

"Did you see his face?" Should I tell them? If I do all the half-bloods will suffer from it, besides what differce would it do? There still live a few half-bloods in the town. They will be harassed and be even more distrusted by the people.

"No." I lied, "I didn't, he wore a mask."
That's true, so it's not a complete lie.
They looked a bit disappointed but soon they cleared the room and left me alone.

Zeph came after awhile and looked furious.
"I've tracked the piece of shit to Jim's, appearently he's not welcome at the inn." Zephyr seethed and I was almost frightened off him, almost. "He's a dead man walking and when I get my hand on him I'll-"
"No." I cut him off mid sentence. "You will not do anything, you hear me?"

"What?! Why? He tried to kill you!"
I silenced him with a look.
"Why, you ask? Because he didn't want to! He said he was sorry, cold blooded murderers don't apologize." I said, then with a softer voice I continued.

"And I'm curious, why would he kill me? If anybody should be killed it's my father or older brothers. Is it the same people who murdered mother?" I thought out loud.

"Why would a half-blood try to assassinate me? Is he a mercinery or are the half-bloods making a statement?" I knew my eyes were gleaming with excitement.

Rebecka (on hold)Where stories live. Discover now