Prolog / Flashbacks

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~~3rd person POV~~

She braided her long, platina blonde hair as she ran down the halls in the castle. Goodness, how she hates these cold, stone walls. They may be pretty with all their decorations but they were meant to keep her inside, to keep her a prisoner in her own home. Rebecka saw the guard who sat on a chair with a hand on his sword, snoring and asleep. She should tell her father about the guard's habit of sleeping during their watch, but then it would be alot harder to sneek out.

She sneaked past the guard and went up the stairs to the forbidden archives in the High Tower. Her secret hide out. Shelfs and piles of books containing thousand years of knowledge about magic is written in these thick books.

Rebecka opened the sealed window and softly spoke the summoning chant.
She didn't speak loud because if you use a summoning chant whoever you call for can hear you as clearly as if you screamed right in their ear.
"Draco Zephyr venire ad mei.''
She chose some spell books and waited by the window. A silver blue dragon flew up to her and gave her a 'dragon smile' like she called it. Dragons can't really smile but they do a weird grimace instead.

If you don't know dragons it looks very scary. Zephyr's scale-like skin looked shiney in the sun and his green eyes shone when they saw her. She climbed through the window onto his back. Rebecka was a lady, and therefor she rode as such. With her legs crossed and her books held tight they flew off.

''Hey Zeph. To the clearing.'' she said. ''I can't wait to get out of here.''
''As you wish, mistress.'' Zephyr answered and flew towards the dead forest. The dead forest isn't really dead, it's just called that because if you go in there you won't come back. You'll get lost and walk deeper into the forest. When they flew over the castle and the town Zephyr used his camouflage to cover them. Every dragon has some kind of ability, some can fly extremely fast and some can roar so loud ones ears fall off. Zephyr's ability is camouflage, he can hide himself and whoever he want.

The clearing's the only place Rebecka can practice her magic without anybody knowing.
Magic were forbidden two hundred years ago and if you use magic you're severely punished. You'll be whipped in the middle of the town square and everybody have to watch. Only the king can have mercy on you if you beg.
Rebecka's grandmother had been a great lady for many years and had given birth to a stunning queen. But after her only daughter's assassination she went crazy with grief and sorrow. The only person she would talk to and act alive with was the little princess who had witnessed her own mother be violated and brutally murdered from her hiding place in the closet.


"Rebecka, like me and your mother, you have magic in your veins. Every woman in our kin have. That is the reason we are often targeted.
You are a witch, a magician or what ever you wish to call us.
You cannot tell anyone until you have turned sixteen, then your magic should be at its fullest.
Many people will try to own you, you can't let them for you must be strong.
Look in the dead forest, you'll find a clearing where you can practice your magic, it will be kept hidden until your sixteenth birthday.''

<~~~~~~End of flashback~~~~~~~>

No matter how delusional her grandmother was Rebecka found a clearing after sneaking out and walking for almost two hours. The clearing wasn't big but it was useful and calming. There was a small stream and a big oak stump that Rebecka usually sits on.
Rebecka sat down and opened one of the books she brought.
She picked up where she left off the day before; on the chapter on creation and destruction. The basic within magic.

//Flame of Fire as Your Creator, I command You: Bend to my Will, Body and Soul. Feed of my Blood and my energy. I command You: Bend to Me.//

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