Ch. 3

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Markus's POV

I went to wash off and brush my teeth.
A baby screamed like crazy and I frowned. Just as I spit in the sink I heard the door squeak open and a child's voice spoke:
"Mammy? Cathie won't stop crying and she smells."
"Tina, go back to your room," I heard Elise hiss. "You know you're not allowed in the guest rooms."
The baby was still screaming and the loud sound was getting to much for my sensitive ears. I walked into the bedroom and coughed lightly.
"Cathie go NOW," Elise said and looked fearfully at me. I felt tired and hurt, I know we half bloods don't have the best reputations but does she really think I would hurt a child? For real?

Elise's POV

"Hey, sweetie," he said and walked over to Cathie and Tina. "Come in."
Why did he invite them in? What would he do? He said he wouldn't hurt me but I know what men do with screaming babies. My poor little Tina has been slapped by her father too many times to count because of her crying during her three years on earth. Tina opened hesitantly the door a little more and took a few steps into the room. Cathie was still crying in Tina's arms.
Markus kneeled down to her level.
"What's your name?" He asked.
"Tina, and this is my little sister Cathie.
What's yours, sir?" My little girl politely required. All I wanted was to run to my girls and get them away from the man.

"Markus. BUT just because you're so cute, you can call me Mark," he gently tapped her nose. "Okey?"
I couldn't believe my eyes or ears when Tina giggled. She's always been terrified of men, especially big muscly men like Markus.
"Tina, listen to me go to your room with Cathie and stay there," I said as sternly as I could but Tina was completely charmed by him.
"Tina. Listen to mammy. Go to your room, honey," I pleaded for her to listen over the crying but I could just as well have been talking to a stonewall.

"Where do you keep the diapers?" Markus turned to me.
"Under the sink in the bathroom,"
I answered him quickly hoping not to anger him with my kids in the room.
"Okey, Tina can you be a big girl and bring Cathie to the bathroom?"
He asked my daughter and I filled with dread as I saw my girls followed the half blood into the small room.
I hated this. I were stuck in this stupid bed and unable to move. If he does something to Tina or Cathie I can't stop him. I felt hot tears of frustration run down my cheeks. Here I was, paralyzed and captive by a half blood who has my two daughters alone in another room. And I couldn't help them even if I wanted to. Cathie's crying ceased and I held my breath. I heard faint talking and I filled my lungs with much needed oxygen.

"Now run along kids, straight to bed you hear me?" Markus told Tina, who held a newly changed Cathie tight in her arms, and Tina obediently nodded with big eyes.
"Yes mister Mark! I promise!" She smiled happily and snuck out through the door. I looked shocked at him.
Did he just change diapers on Cathie?
Why would he change diapers on Cathie? He's a man for heavens sake! Men don't change diapers, that's the women's job.
"What? Why are you looking at me like that?" Markus required.
I just looked at at red haired man with confusion. I just witnessed a grown man change diapers on my baby, I thought.
"Yes you did." Markus said. "So what?"
"Did I say that out loud?" I asked embarrassed. Markus nodded.
"What's so weird about it?" He repeated.
"Men don't do stuff like that, the women do it." I said what my family and husband had told me my entire life. Cooking, cleaning, taking care of the children and pleasing my husband are the things I as a proper wife should do.

"That's just stupid," he snorted. " hate to break it to ya but the man are responsible for his family and it includes all of that. His job is to make sure his wife and kids are happy and content, not forcing his wife to be like a slave." Markus came to the bed and sat down. "Are you okey if I sleep with you? I won't do anything bad, I swear."
I nodded unsure if what to say after that. He started to undo his shirt and shrugged it off. I swallowed hard as I saw his abs and muscular arms.
"What are y-you doing?" I managed to say when he pulled his pants down.

Markus POV

"I can't sleep in all my clothes," I said with a teasing smirk and almost laughed at her blushing face and timid nature. She's adorable, I thought. Her embarrassed stutter showed how innocent she was even though she worked at a place like this.
I climbed into the bed and shivered by how cold it was. I pulled Elise to me and she protested.
"No! You promised, you swore. Let me go!" She cried but couldn't move away do to the drug. I wrapped my arms around her so we were spooning.
"Hey, hey," I said. "Calm down Elise!"
After a while she quieted down and she was breathing normally again.
"I swore I wouldn't hurt you and I won't. It's cold and I don't want you to get sick."
"I-I've never slept with a man before,"
she whispered. "Not even my husband. He just takes what he wants and leaves." I felt my heart break and swore to myself I would not ever do that to my Anneli. Soon was Elise asleep and I waited a few hours before I got up to get the plan in motion.

Author's note:
Hellow my lovely pandas! 🐼🐼
Here's the chapter. Pwuh.
Rebecka didn't show up but she will appear in the next chapter.

Don't you just hate Elise's husband? 👿

Pic: It's Zephyr (if you ignore the Christmas tree and the weird elf-like lady)

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