Selena POV: I woke from my nap and Jeff was sat on the edge of the bed I guess he carried me here. He asked if I was okay and said just a bit stressed that's all. Then he said well could the only man you desire make it right .he started kissing my neck then I said Jeff not right now the twins are gonna be awake soon and you know you can't stop🤣✨😌 Dirty scene bishesssssss✨ J- come on it's just one more time S- I will cut your penis I had twins and a placenta move your horny ass you can wait HAhaHa you thought don't worry someone has a another story about it it's ok it's normal😏✨😌 He said fine and we just french kissed for a bit because his Eiffel Tower was still there then the twins were fed and went out like a light . I decided to have a shower and wear some comfy clothes
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I grabbed my phone to read all the information and prepare for what I was gonna say but then I saw Grayson was scheduled to do an interview later in the day I checked the time and set an alarm because it was gonna be live so he could only tell the truth without mistakes or he'll slip up I guess but I was worried and scared I he would tell people stuff I had told like some very personal things like my personal issues that might think people need to take away my babies I had made a whole scenario and calmed down just so I wasn't stressing out the baby out too Grayson POV It was time to do the interview I got all these mics set on me so I had a clear voice in the live I had a bit of touch up and Daniela was suppose to come but she said she wasn't feeling good so I let it slide . I-interviewer G-Grayson I-Ok mr dolan we will be live in 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. Welcome viewers make sure you have everything you need right now because you are gonna not want to miss this live stream as this is of course our first live as you all requested so all mistakes will be recorded and seen by you so no pressure Mr Dolan G- it's fine at least they will see I'm telling the truth and please call me Grayson I- Ok mr dol- I mean Grayson so you know what we're gonna talk about G- I have an idea but I guess it's time to explain things I- ok ladies and gentlemen or what else you identify as so now for those burning questions Grayson we all knew that you and ms Selena were the couple fans died for but what happened /I felt a bit sweaty for a second and I tried explaining it as best as I could/ G- Well that's very kind of those fans but I guess it was a lot of problems we faced as a young couple I mean we're still teens and I guess we decided we weren't good for each other anymore and it would be better to remain single and look at other options. I - yes very true but could you elaborate on those problems G- well I don't want to say too much because it was a lot of personal things but I guess it was trust a lot of trust was broken in our relationship I- do you mean a bit of cheating Grayson ? G- uh yes something like that it was all a bit confusing for me I - wow viewers do you hear this ms Selena a cheater I would of never expected but someone did someone called James Charles ! Viewers welcome James Charles he's not here but he's in the call Hello James J-Hey sister I-hey sister so you know the topic right J- yes of course and the tea is very hot G- um I didn't know James was gonna be here I- well surprise /I felt like I wanted to leave me and James weren't acc talking right now/ G- can we do only one more question because I gotta leave for something I- um ok sorry James no time today J- it's fine bye sister I swear Selena is such a whore I- um James *Calls ends*