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It was Ethan ..
I was so shocked I dropped Elle's (who I was holding)  bottle and I went down to pick it up but Ethan got down too so when we both got the bottle we looked up at each others eyes all the memories came back. Me and Ethan we were best friends and we had been best friends since me and Grayson got together and everything changed after me and Grayson broke up it's like are friendship never existed everything was gone looking in his eyes for those two seconds made me want to hug but I couldn't after what he did to me I couldn't but that's for another time .
Ethan said hi and gave me the bottle I said just hi? Then David came and said great Ethan you made it the sleepover starts in 2hours so we need to get the stuff could u go with Natalie please
I watched Natalie and him go off and David said to me : you know I've finally saw Jeff truly happy for once and I know this sounds so cheesy but I'm glad you came into jeffs life u really make him happy
I smiled and said thank you a few hours later me Jeff said goodbye to everyone and left I was still shocked I saw Ethan I when we and Jeff were in the car he asked what's wrong I said nothing I was just tired I knew he could tell I was lying but he left it because we were all really tired the twins were asleep so I finally had some rest and slept in the car I just wanted to relax for once I just have some much going on and I can't really focus and the worst part is another human being is also gonna be in this mess I just want to sleep and not be woken up at 3am but no it doesn't work like that I have to make sure my kids have something to eat and are alive and that is really important and I know I have to do that so being a teen mom sometimes makes me want to fall apart it's hard and when I tell you it's hard it is hard you have to not only look after yourself but someone else to but I have to look after three people now one baby on the way and a baby I have now sooo my life is kinda crazy I can't wait till they can start cooking themselves and be able to get ready with me not helping them but I will miss being able to carry them but right now I'm gonna enjoy while it lasts.
As we got home I put the twins to sleep after I fed them then got changed and chilled while Jeff went to sleep with the twins so I went on Instagram to see all these posts about me and Ethan someone must have been near David's house taking these all of the posts saying I was cheating on Grayson with Ethan and I had a kid with I knew I had to say something about it but not this time I planned to make a video to explain all the reasons why I was gone and to explain all this cheating stuff I was so pissed people would see me like that kind of person. I saw people send death threats to me saying you dirty slut and you couldn't just have one could you it was so horrible and after I went to check on Twitter to see what else was happening and if Ethan said anything about it but then I wished I never did James Charles had posted saying I'm so shocked to see this and I hope Ethan and Grayson is ok I'm not gonna lie selena was always so clingy to Ethan while Grayson was her bf I guess money makes you more thirsty.🧐
I wanted to ball my eyes out but I had to stay strong I was a mother now.
IS ETHAN GONNA REACT TO IT? WILL SELENA BE OK?? Find out in the next chapter😉♥️

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