I woke up wearing (picture above). As I got out of bed I went and had a shower then brushed my teeth then did my skincare routine then put on these clothes.
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As put on the comfy clothes I went downstairs to have cereal and then I had some apple juice. Ever since I told Grayson I was pregnant I left YouTube and didn't say anything I just stopped posting and I moved out of my apartment and got a house.
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I lived in a very hidden house to avoid paparazzi. I also have not left my house in 6months and if your wondering how I get my food I get it privately delivered so it gets delivered in a massive cart at the front of my house then I just leave it there once I'm done getting the food in my house I haven't seen a single person the only person I have seen was a doctor and that was months ago and I know I should get check ups but the doctor said its ok if I don't go but I have to when I'm nine months because I need to find out my due date I don't know if my baby is a boy or a girl but I want it to be a surprise. But when I'm ready to comeback to YouTube I have been recording my whole pregnancy and when I moved into my house right now I am 8months pregnant and telling you now I am massive I don't work but my merch is selling crazy so that's how I get all my money. But these past few months have been so crazy I saw what happened on the internet there were so many headlines saying the couple of the year break up I have been so depressed and I try to relax and be calm for the baby and it's worked for about a month an I have been literally stuck in my living room the past hour I am in so much pain I feel like im about to past out so I go get my swimsuit on and start swimming it was so lovely and warm I was just floating on my floaty and I decided to make a video called my painkillers where I show what I do to release the pain my body is in and when I finished I just saved it but didn't post it. I had another shower and I got ready for bed brush my teeth and then did my skincare routine again just like I did in the morning. Then I had dinner then went to sleep.