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Sooo the mystery guy is Jeff witteck yes him we have a 4years difference (hes 22 in the story) it's a bit weird for a 22year old and 18 year old to be dating but age is just a number is what we both say to each other . Yes me and Jeff met when I was working at a cafe it was a bit of a place where I knew people wouldn't recognise me but out of no where Jeff came to the little cafe and he ordered when I was about to leave but I still gave him his order and I said it was okay he said to make up for it I should sit down and talk to him there was no one there and it was dark already and I had to close the cafe so it was only me and Jeff there I had a sad face when I was at the cafe and Jeff said what's wrong I told him about everything that happened I just spilled everything that had happened to him he was so shocked and offered to help me and I refused and said I had to go so he walked out first then u cleared up and every day for 2weeks at 7:30pm he would come and then I finally gave up and he gave me everything I needed and I couldn't make up it up to him so we ended up living together and when I had the twins Jeff was out of town to do something for his YouTube channel and he promised to come but the twins came a week and a few days early so he wasn't there and he had weak signal where he was at so I couldn't call him to tell him I had the twins but he will be surprised when he gets here tomorrow .
The next day
I woke up and did my usual routine and had breakfast and fed the twins and put them in little rocking chairs while they fell asleep and I was wearing this:

I was chilling in my living room watching vampire diaries for the 4th time🙈😝 and I suddenly heard a knock and made sure the twins were ok and turning on the baby monitor and running to the door with the other baby monitor and opened the door to ...

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I was chilling in my living room watching vampire diaries for the 4th time🙈😝 and I suddenly heard a knock and made sure the twins were ok and turning on the baby monitor and running to the door with the other baby monitor and opened the door to see JEFF!!🥳🥳
He came and picked me up
Jeff-Heyyy BABYyyyyyyy!!
Me-Hiiiiii BABEeeeee
Jeff-wait a second
Jeff-FUCkkkk I missed it
Me-it's Okkk babe at least you were there for my pregnancy
Jeff-BUTTTttt- fineee where are they??
Me-there over here
Me-you can put me down now
Jeff-nahhh ur fine right here
Jeff was about to pick them up until he stopped and said wait what?who came over??
Me-no one it's twins
Jeff-wowwww  so when did you have them two days ago so what did the doctor say are you okkk?
Me- actually I had a home birth I haven't gone to the hospital yet
Jeff-what lets go now you might have an infection or the babies might be sick
Me-we'll Noah has been sleeping more than usual
Jeff- well let me get my bags and we can go ok
Me-wait let me get changed
Jeff-my future wife always looks good
Me-awww thanks baby but it's cold
I ran upstairs and got changed into this:

I was chilling in my living room watching vampire diaries for the 4th time🙈😝 and I suddenly heard a knock and made sure the twins were ok and turning on the baby monitor and running to the door with the other baby monitor and opened the door to ...

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I tried hiding my little bump for some reason it looked a bit strangled but I don't think it's a big deal the doctor might say something or not.
Jeff came back after he but his bags away and btw he was wearing this:

I got the twins and the car seats with the twins in it I had to go see if I had a spare for some reason I found when and Jeff said he secretly bought another one because he always wanted to be prepared if I had another baby

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I got the twins and the car seats with the twins in it I had to go see if I had a spare for some reason I found when and Jeff said he secretly bought another one because he always wanted to be prepared if I had another baby.
We started to drive in the car Jeff looked me up and down and said Im dating a goddess I replied saying aww I love you baby , I love you too babe
We finally arrived at the hospital and the twins were asleep so me and Jeff were quiet and I carried Elle and he carried Noah . Once we got in I noticed Jeff was recording and I said why are you recording
He said because for your little documentary my love
I replied saying okk thanks
We waited until our names were called and  I pulled my shirt up and the doctor but the gel and said well when did you have the twins
Me-two days ago
Doctor-when were you last sexually active?
Jeff looked at me waiting for an answer desperately
Me- um when I was 2months pregnant
Side note: when she broke up with Grayson a week later she went to a party to try and find Daniela  and met Jeff before but they didn't remember until one of her co workers said if Jeff was my boyfriend because she saw us at a party and that's when we did it but Jeff was drunk and I heard someone drugged my water and robbed me so me and Jeff were both vulnerable but luckily the babies were still fine and also Selena bump barely showed until she was 4months pregnant.)
Jeff- why what's the problem
Doctor - well this very rare but Selena has a sensitive body and seems to get pregnant very easily and it seems that your pregnant Selena one of your babies belongs to Jeff and it seems the other baby for some reason it took longer for it to develop into a fetus and it seems you got pregnant with noah and then had Elle and she came last and sometimes this is something that only happens to 1 in 70million where when you got pregnant with  Elle she devolved straight after you had done it with Jeff but as you know it doesn't always take you straight away to get pregnant it can happen after a few months of having intercourse so it seems your gonna have another baby Selena and Jeff
Me-wait ok but quick question why has noah been sleeping more than usual ?
Doctor -it's most likely when Elle came unexpectedly she took a bit more of energy in the womb from Noah because she needed it and Noah needs to be fed a bit more than Elle even if Noah is asleep and you have to feed him wake him up so he can get more healthier and also if your wondering Elle is smaller than usual newborns because she was born late but she's ok because she got a bit more energy and nutrition
Word count:1141
To be continued...🙊👀

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