The truth

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Selena POV
After I said I never cheated Grayson was like whatever let's talk about it in the morning and I agreed so I put the twins to sleep in my bedroom because I had a special crib just Incase I had twins because the father of my child does have a twin so I was thinking ahead and had a special crib and I put it in my room because the babies room was only for one baby and I also wanted the babies to be close to me Incase they cried also Grayson had to sleep in the spare room I don't which one there is too many sorry I'm bragging .

Middle of the night
It was the middle of the night and I saw my door open and I thought it was just the wind then I felt the bed sink and someone climb in and hug me I could tell it was Grayson from his cologne but I felt his arm wrap around my waist I flinched a bit then I adjusted then I realised because it was too hot earlier I took of my bra and put a long shirt that was a bit see through so that will not be good in the morning and now but at least I finally got to relax just kidding literally 5 mins later the twins started crying then I got up but Grayson pulled me back and got up and got the twins a kind of aw moment there and when he got them he changed them but they were still crying so he shakes me and said there hungry so I got up and took them and started feeding them then Grayson said I'm sorry and I saw his eyes getting teary then I said should be he sighed and a tear drop and I said but at least you helped with the birth and I gave him a faint smile and gave him Noah yes I named the boy Noah
I woke up and the twins and Grayson were still asleep so I went to go have a shower and do my usual routine then brushed my teeth. And I wore this outfit.

Last night was so awkward literally when Grayson woke up in the middle of night I had just put the twins to sleep he kinda saw my see through shirt he saw and it was really weird but he said it's ok and I don't mind

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Last night was so awkward literally when Grayson woke up in the middle of night I had just put the twins to sleep he kinda saw my see through shirt he saw and it was really weird but he said it's ok and I don't mind. Soo yehhh...
Anyways I went to make breakfast and I had cereal and I sat outside just looking at the sky then I remembered Grayson said that Daniela said I cheated on him that little rat no wonder we lost contact all of a sudden a day after me and Grayson broke up. When I got my hands on her I'll - wait a second I checked the time it was 5:30am and I woke up at 4:00am and then I realised the twins didn't cry earlier. OMG they must be hungry now!!..I grabbed my bowl and put it in the sink and ran upstairs to find Grayson asleep and two empty baby bottles next to him I smiled then realised I shouldn't be smiling he ruined my life for 8months because I was 2months when I told him I was pregnant. I saw baby Elle awake and her beautiful eyes open and Noah still sleeping he's so cute when he's asleep. I picked up Elle and just played with her in my arms for about 5mins until Grayson woke up. "Good morning "he said "mornin"I replied then started playing with Elle some more while I rolled my eyes at him."What's wrong ?"he said "I'll even forgive you for cheating me" I said pretending to do Graysons voice .
Grayson-So did you cheat on me ?
Me-of course not Grayson !!
Grayson- sure
Me-yes I'm sure and you know that I only had one friend and I never went to parties or anything else if I wasn't with you Grayson don't you get it!!(I shouted )
Grayson- really then why did Daniela say you did (he shouted too)
Me-don't shout at me Grayson and I don't know  why she said that she probably liked you I had a feeling ever since we became best friends but I didn't mind it at first because she always was super nice to me !
Grayson- what the hell you shouted at me and-
Me-I have a right to (I put Elle down because she started to do a little sad face)
After everything you did to me you left me in pain I was lonely everyone left me because of you and you never even checked on me not even once you hurt me so much at one point I wanted to put these kids up for adoption because what sort of mother would I be if I felt and was sooo messed up my money was low at one point but I had to keep my merch going by selling my apartment and move in to some fucking garage for a month then I worked my ass off but it still wasn't enough money still even with my merch still going but I kept putting money on it so because I would pray everyday and every night for some kinda of help and I finally managed to find someone who would help me and he was there for me he helped me with money he cared for me the way you didn't he helped me during my last two months and I  managed to get my money with his help he even said he would be the dad for my child well children now and I had to deal with 5months struggling day in and day out so ..(I cried) I suggest we end this conversation and you get out now!
Grayson-Selena I'm sorry pl-
Me-get out!..
He didn't want me to cry more so he left and after I closed the door I left out a big sigh and just picked up Noah because he was now awake he was still asleep through the whole argument surprisingly and Elle had just fell asleep .
So the truth it I struggled instead of doing really well I just said that so I wouldn't be reminded of what actually happened sorry for lying but the guy is...
Word count:1074

Find out in the next chapter....

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