Whos fault was it?

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Selena pov:
When I posted the video I did not expect to get that reaction. My video was trending everywhere. My emails were flooding with interviews people wanted for me and then I started seeing #justiceforselena on Twitter. I was shocked.. My first thought was what the twins were gonna say when they saw this I had a lot of people telling me this wasn't true and I had to make another video so I got my camera.
"So this video is a very quick and unedited one because I need to put this video up before everyone starts making assumptions, so first of all the people who are saying I am a bad person and stuff this situation most definitely has nothing to do with you, you can only believe what you think has happened not knowing the whole story I could to be honest not give two shits what all of you people who are trying to drag my image think,you are not the person in this mess you have no idea of the sacrifices I have made to get a house and to hold things together for my children. You can hide behind the words your a fan and want to protect the dolan twins but if you actually had met them in real life and seen all the stuff I have I'm pretty sure your thoughts would have changed. Also for people saying why don't I say the stuff with Ethan, it is none of your business and very personal to me and if your thinking I tried to get with Ethan you are wrong. I don't want to share what happened with Ethan because that's between me and him and no one else and stuff including James is to be honest unnecessary and stupid you think your sticking up for Grayson by calling me whore and it's super embarrassing to think my children are gonna see this when they grow up. You people who stay behind your screens are not the people having to now deal with these false accusations. So anyone starting false accusations just think what your doing for a second because your trying to get my whole career over for someone you don't personally know so just think about that and for the people who are actually realising what I'm saying and linking how the stuff I said makes sense well done you've finally realised who they really are."

I finished the video and posted it. 

After 30 minutes i got a text message saying meet me at my house from grayson..

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2022 ⏰

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