(Lol I found a random of pic of Ethan on my phone 😆🤣😭🤣😂😂)
Twins Grayson POV I was smiling holding the baby wrapped in the towel then I saw Selena's face drop then I said what's wrong and she said I need to push again I said yeah you have to get the placenta now and she said no Grayson it's bigger Selena POV Grayson:well then umm try and push and we will see if it's another baby ok everything is gonna be fine Selena :ok I started pushing again and then I knew for sure it was another baby and I pushed and pushed it was a bit easier this time because even though I said it was big it was smaller than my baby boy so I pushed really hard and my baby girl came out and I was gasping and saying oh my gosh I held her close to my chest . Grayson POV Selena was so happy I did miss her smile though. I looked at the time it was 5:30am and i remembered-it was her birthday and said happy birthday she said thanks than I got another towel and grabbed the twins and the boy looked so much like me and the girl was exactly like the baby photos Selena showed of her. Selena POV Grayson took the babies to the bedroom and I saw the camera and it was on so I turned it off then I got rid of all the water and cleaned the tube had a shower got brushed my face then did my skin care really quick then got dressed while Grayson played with the twins.
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That was my hair and outfit When I got to where the twins were I washed my hand thoroughly and sat down exhausted and took them from Grayson and fed them. Grayson: well that was fun Selena: yeh and painful Grayson : I don't really know what to say Selena : maybe why you decided to walk out on me Grayson: look I'm sorry Selena: is that all sorry that is a word you need to explain yourself Grayson why you left me when I was pregnant and I was left to deal with everything their bedroom and their safety I was depressed when you left me and you weren't there for me and remember Grayson you left not me Grayson: please forgive me I want to be here for them I'm sorry Selena: so you think your the dad now didn't you say it's not mine Grayson : please give me another chance to prove to you I'm better please Selena: no Grayson: I'll even forgive you for cheating on me I took the twins and burped them both and put them down . Selena: I never cheated on you Grayson: Daniela said you did Selena : what that liar!!?