Did you just give him your number? (Chapter two)

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I look at myself one more time in the full length mirror that is in my bathroom. I love Tom's house because it was huge. I had my own bathroom and a big bedroom.
My dress is black with a glittery top that comes to my calfs, with small high heels on my feet. My hair is in curls and my makeup was what Gisele called the "night out look".
"G are you sure that I look okay?" I ask coming down the stairs.
"You look beautiful!" She smiles at me. "Got to make sure those guys keep their hands off my sister." Tom says as we walk out the door and to their car.
"Yeah, definitely." I roll my eyes.

Walking into the large ballroom, everyone is dressed in formal attire. This is a party for the upperclass.
I walk over to a man I know for sure; Danny Amendola, who is sitting with the same blue eyed man from yesterday.
"Hey Dan." I smile at him.
"Hey pretty girl. Take a seat." He gestures to the open seat across from him at his round table.
"So how's med school treating you?" He asks smiling.
"Oh, lord. I don't even wanna talk about it. I still have two hours of clinicals left before I can graduate." I say looking at him.
"That sucks, sis."
"I think I'm gonna go get a drink. Want anything, Edelman?" Danny asks getting up.
"No thank you." Julian says, looking up at his teammate.
Oh my god now it's just me and Julian. Okay Taylor, don't blow your chance and say something stupid.
"So, you play for my brother's team?" Yep. There it is; something stupid. Way to point out the obvious, Taylor.
"Well, it's actually coach Belichick's team, but yes. What do you do? I know we saw each other at the children's hospital yesterday." He says looking at me, the dimly lit room shadowing his face a bit.
"Yeah. I'm working towards becoming a pediatric cancer doctor." I say.
"A college girl, huh?" He says smirking.
"A college girl that's getting her ass kicked." We laugh.
"Want a drink?" He questions.
"Oh, no thank you. I'm staying sober because I don't know how long Mr. and Mrs. QB can." I joke.
"So do you like, live with them?" He questions. I nod my head.
"Nice, nice. You coming to our game tomorrow? It's at home." He says.
"I know. And yeah, I should be there. I'll be in the press box, though." I say.
"Getting those high rises, are we now?" He laughs.
"I guess." I smile, shrugging my shoulders.
"Do you play any sports?" He asks.
"Well, I used to do stuff in high school like track. Oh and I was on the swim team. I used to dabble in dance some. But Tom was always the more athletic one, honestly." I say, looking over at my older brother who is laughing at something Chandler Jones just said.
"And by the time I was in high school, Tom was already in the NFL, so I didn't get to experience his glory days as much as I am now." I conclude.
"So you guys, are like ten years apart?" I nod.
"Yep. Mom apparently had to have another kid so she wouldn't be lonely when the boys moved." I laugh.
"You're pretty cool, Ms. Taylor." He smiles. I laugh,
"Thank you Mr. Julian. I'll see you at the game tomorrow."
I awkwardly get up from the table, and walk over to Tom and his group of hooligans.
"And I was like, 'honestly? A fake punt return with twenty seconds left? Are you crazy?'." He says explaining a game that happened last season.
"Woah, Ms. Taylor! I haven't seen you in forever! How are you?" Jimmy says hugging me.
"Hey, Jimmy. I'm doing great." I smile, breaking away from the hug.
"Hey Tay, can I talk to you for a moment?" Tom asks. I nod and walk with him over to the drink table.
"Hey, I saw you talking to Edelman. Y'all getting kind of, ya know, like friends, I guess is what I'm trying to say."
"Well, we're just having a friendly conversation. It's not a big deal. Why?" I ask.
"I don't want you hanging out with him, okay? He's bad news." He says, slightly whispering.
"Tom," I sigh, rolling my eyes.
"I'm trying to protect you, okay? You'll thank me later."
"What's so bad about him?" I ask.
"He's a major player. I know he's my teammate and he's a good friend, but he's not a guy you wanna be in a relationship with. He'll act like he's totally into you, then bam, he'll break you heart." Tom says looking over at Julian and Danny.
I turn around, looking at the two brown haired boys. Julian is telling Danny something, Danny laughing every so often. Julian seems like an okay guy. But I know that most athletes are giant, heart- breaking jerks, my brother is an exception to the rule.
"Just listen to me okay, stay away from him." He concludes.
"Then where am I supposed to sit?" I ask.
"Just hang out with G."
"Really? Her and her annoying football wife friends? No thanks, bud." I say.
"Then just hang out with me. If you're with me, Julian won't hit on you."
"Tom, do you hear yourself right now? You're acting like a father not a brother. I'm 26 years old, I can do whatever I want." I say, turning around to head back to Danny and Julian's table.
"You okay, Tay?" Danny asks as I sit down.
"Yeah. It's just Tom being Tom." I say.
"What's it like being Tom Brady's sister?" Julian asks.
"What's it not like being his sister is the real question." I laugh.
"What were you guys talking about?" Danny asks.
"Nothing. It's not important." I say, giving him the 'shut up, I'll tell you later' look.

"Can I have your number?" Julian asks as I stand up to leave, Tom and Gisele waiting for me at the door.
"Well, I guess." I say, getting my phone out. He waits patiently, watching my phone.
"Cute lock screen." He comments on the picture of me with Ben and Vivian at the Patriots first game of the season.
"I know." I laugh, pulling up my number.
"Okay, now I'm gonna call you at all hours of the night and bug you." He jokes. I roll my eyes.
"I'm joking. Have a good night, Tay." He smiles.
"Thanks Julian. See ya tomorrow." I smile back, walking towards Tom and G.
"I know you did not just give Julian Edelman your phone number." Tom says as we walk through the parking lot of expensive, over priced cars.
"What if I told you that I did?" I ask getting in the back seat.
"Well don't come crying to me when he breaks your heart." He says as we pull out.
"Now, Tom. They might just make it work." Gisele says winking back at me.
"See, G's on my side!" I say laughing.
"What am I going to do with you girls?" He says, smiling.

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