You want a kiss? (Chapter 6)

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I open my eyes slowly the next morning, looking to my right to see no Julian.
I get up and exit the room, making my way slowly down the stairs and towards the kitchen.
Tom and Jules are both moving back and forth between the stove and the refrigerator, making food.
"Here ya go, little bud." Julian smiles, giving Ben his pancakes, eggs, and bacon. He's so cute.
"Good morning, party girl. Glad to see you've finally joined us!" Tom turns around, smiling at me. I just roll my eyes in reply, going to sit beside Vivian.
"Hey Aunt Tay." She smiles brightly.
"Hey cutie pie. Is the food good?" I question her as I pull out a chair.
"Yeah! Daddy's friend is a good cook." I look over at him, giggling at the little pink apron he's wearing.
"I've heard." I say, winking at him.
"He's really cute, too." She whispers.
"I'd agree with that." I reply, laughing with her.
"Hey now, let's not go around kissing any nasty boys." Tom says.
I turn to my right and look out the window, trying not to make eye contact with Tom so he wouldn't get suspicious of anything, then glancing back at Jules who's face is more pink than the apron he's wearing.
"Welp, kiddos, time to get y'all to school." Tom says about ten minutes later.
The two small children got up from the table, putting their paper plates in the trash can, then being helped by Tom getting their coats.
"Did you tell Tom about last night?" I ask once they're out the door.
"No, do you think I'm crazy? I may be short but I'm not stupid." He smirks, getting up from the table.
"Well the short part is true." I joke.
"Easy on the height jokes, Brady. You're no skyscraper, either." He says, leaning up against the counter, biting his bottom lip.
"Ooo, I'm hurt." I giggle.
"Are you gonna come to the game this weekend? Something pretty big is gonna happen." He says as I stand up.
"Yeah, I'll be there."

"Oh my God, Jules has the ball?" I basically scream in the press box. I watch as he soars it do Danny, Danny catching it for a touchdown.
"Someone has became pretty close to Julian." Gisele adds, laughing.
"You promise you won't tell Tom what I'm about to tell you?" I lean over, talking more quiet. She nods.
"Um, well, last night I snuck downstairs and got Julian outside. Then, I kissed him." She turns to me, her eyes big.
"Yeah, then he told me that I just need to go to bed and I told him only if you come with me."
"But I mean like we didn't do anything like that!" I laugh as her eyes become impossibly bigger.
"Girl, if your brother was to find out about this, you'd be dead." She says.
"I know, please don't tell him!" I beg.
"Honey, I won't. I was the same way when I was your age." She laughs.
"I really like him, too. Why is Tom so against us dating?" I ask.
"Because he doesn't want Julian to do to you what he did to the girl he was with before me. He has so much regret from that." She says, watching as Ben looks down on the field, pointing out that he sees his daddy
I nod, slowly.
"And I think he's just trying to protect you and your heart. Just listen to him, he knows what he's talking about."

"You look nice." I giggle at Julian, referring to his bloody nose.
"Yeah, you want a kiss?" He says, inching closer to my face as I run away laughing.
"Gross, Edelman!" I say, stopping, out of breath.
I cross my arms, looking up at a smirking Julian Edelman. I bite my lip, and close my eyes.
"Not here, Edelman. Remember you know who?" I say, trying not to laugh at his urgency to kiss me.
"Go get changed, blood boy." I laugh as he shakes his head while I walk away.
"Hey, that pass was awesome, by the way!" I turn around, walking backwards.
He winks at me, then jogs off to catch up with his team.

*Julian's POV*

"Julian, can I stay with you tonight? I don't wanna go home." Tay asks in a small voice as we get in the car, leaving the stadium.
"Well of course, you don't have to ask." I look over at her before I start the car. Her black hair is pulled in a bun with her Brady jersey that she wears to every game on, and her Nike sweats fit loosely on her small body.
"Thanks, Jules." She smiles at me.
Pulling up to the house and shutting the car off, I look to see her asleep.
"Shorty I'm not asleep, I can walk." She says, drifting in and out of sleep as I carry her through the door.
"Don't worry about it, Tay- Tay."

A/N: sorry that this update isn't the best and it's kind of short but I've been dying of a sinus infection for like a week straight so. But anyways, the next update, oh man I'm so excited about that but y'all might hate me because of it. It's gonna be great😏. But please vote and comment!!

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