I like you too (Chapter 11)

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*Tay's POV*

"Julian, stop." I giggled as he placed kisses to my neck on the sidelines.
"Tom's gonna say something!" I whispered to him.
"Hey 11, get out there and warm up instead of sucking faces with Brady's sister!" The QB coach told him.
His face turned red as he put his helmet on, running out to meet up with his teammates.
I put my face down and sat on the bench, trying to let my pink face not be seen. Also hoping that I don't have a hickey.
After warming up, the boys ran from the tunnel. This is going to be probably the biggest game of their career's. I know that they have been for Tom.
Seattle lost the toss, but New England let them have the ball, so Julian and Tom came over and sat beside me on the bench.
They both remained quiet, watching the game unfold, and Seattle getting a 7-0 lead.
"Alright, go do your thing, Edelman." I told him. It was now his time to run the ball, trying to gain as much yardage as he can so Tom has a better shot of getting us a touchdown.
After Julian ran the ball all the way to our 38 yard line, Tom went out to do his thing.
"Good luck." I hugged him. He hugged me back, then put on his helmet as he ran out.
I watched as he threw it for a touchdown, tied 7-7.
Julian sat back down beside me after the last touchdown, he seemed mad even though he hadn't done anything wrong.
"Hey, you okay?" I ask him.
He just nods his head no, then stands up, and walks away to somewhere I can't see.
What is up with him?

"Oh my god!" Tom yells as we spin around, holding each other's hands.
Malcolm Butler literally just won us the game thanks to his amazing interception.
"What is happening?!" Julian says excitedly as he jumps by us.
"Go out there and finish this ball game!" I tell them.


"And the New England Patriots are your Super Bowl 49 champions!" The loud speaker announces.
Gisele, Ben, Vivian, and I all head towards the stage as confetti falls down around us. This is about to be an amazing night.
Tom, Gisele, the kids, and I all pose for pictures, then just Tom and the kids and Gisele and so on.
"Hey, Brady! Come get a pic." Julian calls me over.
I jokingly roll my eyes then make my way over to him.
"You smell awful." I laugh looking up at him.
"Aw, that's a good one!" Ryan Allen says, looking down at the moment he just captured on Julian's phone.
"Okay, smile guys!" He says.
I wrap my arms around him, smiling, Julian doing the same.
"Thanks, bud." Julian tells Ryan as he gets his phone back.
I take my phone out, sliding the camera up and putting it on the selfie camera.
I have my mouth open in a happy smile and Jules has his tongue sticking out, confetti in our hair.
'Shorty is a Super Bowl champ! #TheJobIsDone' I caption on my Instagram.
"Congrats shorty, I'm proud of you." I hug him.
"Thanks Tay- tay." He says, ruffling my hair.
"Hey Tay?"
"Hey Jules?"
"I love you."
"I, um, l- like you too."
Did I just do that?
Nice going Tay.
I turn around to see a heart broken look on Julian's face, breaking my heart more than it already is.
I run through the people that are celebrating this awesome night, and push through a door that leads to the bathrooms.
I slide myself down the stall door, crying into my Brady jersey.

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