Girl Scouts honor (Chapter three)

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A/N: omg look at Jules being a complete cutie in that pic like ugh he's adorable.

*Julian's POV*
"Hey Edelman, you tryna get with Brady's sister?" Malcolm questions for the whole locker room to hear.
"No." I lie.
"You better not be. I'll kick you into next week." Tom says, lacing up his cleats.
"Yes sir." I laugh.
After we all get dressed, and coach gives us his not- so- famous pre- game speech, we had to the tunnel.
"Alright let's do this boys! Keep your eyes on the prize and dig deep!" Tom says, trying to get us pumped up.

After Denver's punter kicks it away, I catch it and run towards our endzone, dodging defensive lineman until a corner catches me and stops me.
"Good job, 11. Let's do it one more time." Tom says to me. I nod and he slaps my helmet.
Two plays later, I finally get it to the endzone.
We wind up winning, 35-14.

"Good job, Edelman!" Is thrown at me as I make my way through the crowd of fans, players, and media, trying to find Tom- mainly to see Tay.
"Hey there Mr. Get my number but never text me." She says, her arms crossed over her Brady jersey.
"Sorry." I smile apologetically.
"Nah, it's cool. I wouldn't want a thirty second text to get in the way of your football career." She says, taking her sunglasses off her head and putting them in her left hand.
"Hey now, I'm busy." I say smiling at her.
"I know, 11. I'm just kidding,"
"But good game." She adds.
"Thank you." I say, looking down at the helmet in my hand.
"Would you maybe wanna go on a date?" I say, almost, nervously? I haven't been nervous about a girl since high school.
"Sure, Edelman. If you'll take a few seconds out of your busy day to contact me in some way, then it's a date." She flashes her smile at me.
"Okay, Girl Scouts honor." I say putting up my palm.
We both kind of stare at each other then burst into laughs.
"Edelman! Great game today, bud." Tom says walking over and patting him on the back.
"Yeah, man. It was great." I say.

*Tay's POV*

Sitting in the car with two sleeping kids beside me and Gisele scrolling through her Instagram in the front seat, I see Tom and Julian coming through the parking lot towards their cars. Julian is listening very attentively to whatever it is Tom has to say.
"Bye, guys!" Julian whisper screams, sticking his head in the car.
"Hey." he says looking at me doing the "call me" thing. I nod and smile.
Tom then gets in the car, looking at his two sleeping toddlers through the back mirror, then we head out.

Arriving back at the Brady residence, I put Vivian in her room that is across from mine, and Gisele and Tom put Ben to bed downstairs.
After changing into the rags that I sleep in which consists of an old patriots shirt and some nike running shorts, I answer a call from Julian.
"Hello." I smile into the phone.
"Hello, Ms. Brady. How are you this fine evening?" He says into the phone quietly. I laugh,
"I'm doing quite good, now that you've finally found some free time to call me." He laughs,
"So, I was wondering how you would feel about maybe meeting up somewhere and having lunch or something?" He says.
"Yeah, that'd be great. How about tomorrow at 12:30?" I ask.
"Yeah, that works. I'll pick you up if you want."
"Okay." I smile.
"Alright. Night, Tay- tay." I laugh at his nickname.
"Night Jules."

A/N(again sorry lol): TONIGHT WAS GREAT. I got to meet a University of Tennessee basketball player and if you know how much I love the Tennessee Vols, you know how happy I am right now. Anyways, comment, vote, etc.! :)

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