I'm 26, not 6. (Chapter 14)

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*Julian's POV*
"Ugh, why won't she answer me?" I threw my phone on the couch next to Tom, who looked just as worried as me.
"I don't know. I'm calling mom." He said, then exited the room.
I paced, letting my anxiety get the best of me.
"Well, she won't answer me or Julian.... Alright.. Love you too, bye." Tom hung up, then walked back in.
"Mom and dad are out at the mall and they left Tay at home because she wanted to study." He tells me.
Of course, that girl would study until her eyes fell out.
"But, they're going home right now to check on her." He concluded. His face had an expression on it I've never seen before. This told me something was not right.

*Tay's POV*
"I'll be fine mom, honey. I'm 26, not 6." I laughed.
"Okay. Make sure the doors are locked, we'll be back soon." She called as she closed the door.
I locked the door, then grabbed my text book and went upstairs to my room.
About thirty minutes had passed when I heard something crash in the doorway downstairs.
Are mom and dad back already? I thought to myself as I made my way down the stairs.
A hand then covered my mouth, causing me to scream as they held a knife to my stomach.
I tried to pull from their grasp, this was a bad move though, because their sharp knife jabbed deep into my stomach, causing me to scream out in pain. I fell to the floor, the blood quickly pouring out and onto my sweatshirt and everything around me. I watched the dark clothed man quickly run out of the front door slamming it behind him before everything slowly went dark.

A/N: sorry this is really short and I left y'all on a cliff hanger, but I have a really cool idea for the next chapter so stay tuned!

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