That's Insta- worthy (Chapter 17)

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"I'm dropping the charges." I stated.
"What? Tay, they almost killed you!" My mom says ecstatically.
"I said, I'm dropping the charges. I'm not going to let some idiot sit in jail and make me pay taxes just so they can feed his sorry ass that did almost kill me. I'm going to be the bigger person." I say, simply.
"Well, Ms. Brady it is your choice." The judge says.
After getting everything settled and signing a bunch of meaningless paper work, we finally leave that blessed court house. I miss Massachusetts a lot and I'm ready to go home.
Julian and Tom had flown back home because the Patriots had media stuff to. And man, did I miss Julian. We always texted and called each other.


The goodbye at the airport wasn't as hard as I thought it was going to be. I don't like to leave my parents behind, but I was ready to go home.

"Tay!" Tom said as we met in the middle of the airport.
"Hey, Tommy- boy." I hugged him.
"We're glad you're home." He smiled as he got in the car from putting my bags away.
"Me too. I've missed you guys like crazy."
"The kids and G have missed you, too. They freaked when they found out what happened." He says, pulling onto the interstate.
"Aw," I slightly laugh.
"Hey, can you take me by Jules?" I ask.
"You're crazy about that boy, aren't you?" He smiles at me.
I blush, "I guess I am."

"Okay, love you too, bye!" I said as I closed Tom's car door.
I slowly make my way up the sidewalk leading to Julian's house where a Patriots and an American flag flew proudly in the front yard.
"Hey, pretty girl." Julian opens the door, leaning against the frame.
"Hey, shorty. I've missed you, but are you gonna let me in? It's a little cold." I tease as the snow blows around me.
He acts like he's going to close the door, then laughs as he opens it and I walk in.
"You look cute, shorty." I giggle as I take my snow- covered beanie and jacket off.
He's wearing Nike shorts, a baseball hat backwards, and no shirt.
"Yeah, I've been lifting the iron." He flexes his muscles.
"Okay, show- off." I roll my eyes, plopping myself down on the couch.
"Tay, you should totally be my date to the parade tomorrow." He says, laying his head on my shoulder.
"Oh crap, is that tomorrow?" I question, watching the snow fall.
"Yeah, but you were in a coma for two days so you didn't get the memo." He jokes.
"Yeah, you'll think 'in a coma for two days' in a second." I ball a fist jokingly.
"But in all seriousness, yes I'll be your date."
"Good," He sits up, kissing my cheek.
"Now go get ready because I'm taking you out, okay?" He jumps up and heads for the shower up stairs.
I make my way to the bathroom downstairs, flickering on the light as I go in.
I always keep a bag of makeup here just in case for some reason.
I'm not wearing my contacts today because I am super tired, getting stabbed then being in a coma really takes it out of ya.
After doing my makeup, I slide my glasses back on, and go back to the living room.
Julian is standing in the door of his closet that's under his stairwell wearing nothing but a pair of dark wash jeans.
"Pow." I say, lightly tapping his butt as I go by him.
"Hey now," he giggles at me.
He is literally the cutest thing ever.
"So, where might you be taking me on this cold night?" I ask as Julian pulls on a white t-shirt then puts on blue flannel.
"Well, we're gonna meet up with Danny and his girlfriend. Is that okay?"
"Yeah, I missed him not coming to see me in the hospital." I laugh.
He stuck his tongue out, and crossed his eyes.
"Can you do that again?" I ask, laughing, taking my phone out.
"That's insta- worthy." I say as I go to my Instagram app.
'Love this little cutie more than life it's self.' I post.
"Alright, ready to go?" I nod, re- applying my beanie and jacket.
"Hey, Tay?" He questions me as we get in the car.
"Hey what?" I reply.
"Um, I don't think I formally asked you but, will you be my girlfriend?" He says nervously.
"Well actually the last time you asked me you were drunk, but yes I'll be your girlfriend." I say, looking at him as he drives.
He smiles at me, flashing me a thumbs up.
"You're too much, shorty." I laugh, taking his hand in mine.

A/n: hey fam!! Just a few more chapters left in the story, but fret not, for I am deciding to make a second book! If that's what y'all want, of course. I haven't decided what I'm going to name it exactly, but I've been throwing a few ideas around in my head so we shall see!! Vote and comment if you want, please. Love you guys! :)

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