Chapter 6

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"Heya George and readers! 

Yeah, I think you already read this already readers so skip this lol, but just skip the letter sentences so you can see gogy's reaction.

I want you to know that I won't be with you for a couple of days for an investigation of the new SCP

I'm so sorry this is short, the author got so tired in writing this.

Bye bye gogy!"

Clay finished writing, amused that he broke the 4th wall and expected for people to fix it, even though the narrator already said it in the few words, so he'll expect for people NOT to fix it. As for the self-awareness of Clay, we'll explain it in the few chapters and by a few chapters, I mean the next chapter.

Clay has put George in his cell and left the note on his shirt, because he may or may not have touched the D-Class' torso. Clay began to question his sanity after putting the paper on his chest. He left the room and walked outside the facility to investigate SCP-R4NB00's whereabouts and origins.

After an hour when the scientist left, George began to wake up and feeling heavy. He sits up from the bed. 

'Wait, I'm not strapped down anymore?' George asked himself and looked down to see that the straps holding him down on that bed was gone. He made sigh of relief and lied back down, but on his stomach.

George felt something on his torso and grabbed it from the inside. George blushed, knowing that the person might have touched his torso when putting the paper there. George looked at the folded paper and opened it.

"Heya George and readers!" George read the first words and was confused about the 'readers' part.

"Yeah, I think you already read this already readers so skip this lol, but just skip the letter sentences so you can see gogy's reaction." this confused George more but read the remaining sentences anyways.

"I want you to know that I won't be with you for a couple of days for an investigation of the new SCP" George thought of 'new SCP huh?' after reading that sentence.

"I'm so sorry this is short, the author got so tired in writing this.

Bye bye gogy!" This time, George's head began to hurt because of the nonsense that Clay wrote, but he did understand about the SCP part.

'Is this man going insane or does he know something we don't?' George thought.

George just sighed and went to lie down again and sleep. George was about to close his eyes when the door opened, revealing a scientist. George noticed that it was Nick and sat up on the bed immediately.

"Hey George, we meet again," Nick said, smiles and all. George noticed that it was a sad smile so he asked him:

"Why is your smile sad?" this took Nick by surprise, so he sighed and muttered a 'nothing'.

George squinted his eyes at Nick before saying an 'okay' before looking at the picture frames.

"George, why can't you remember..." Nick whispered to himself.

"Huh?" the brunette questioned.

"Nothing," the scientist said while shaking his head.

George just continued looking at the picture frame, well more like staring but it still counts. Nick looked at the direction where George was looking and saw the picture frame of him, Karl, and Quackity. Nick hastily took it and began to touch the picture. God did Nick want to cuddle with them. He began to rub his thumb over the faces of Karl and Quackity.

"Sorry to interrupt with your emotional thingy there, but who are they?" George said, bringing Nick's attention to him. Nick looked at George and then to the picture frame and then to George and to the picture frame and repeat until he looked at George.

"This is Karl," Nick said, pointing at the one with brown hair and wearing a multi colored jacket. "And this is Quackity" Nick pointed to the one with a black beanie and a blue shirt.

George nodded, indicating to Nick that he understands.

"Don't think of me as weird because of this but, why do you seem familiar?" George said, taking Nick by surprise.

"Do you really not remember?" Nick said, this time it took George by surprise.

"Remember what?" George asked.

"Nothing," Nick said, looking away.

"Why won't you tell me?" George asked, wanting an explanation.

"I said it's nothing," Nick said, his voice growing louder.

"Why won't you tell me?" George asked, his voice loud now.

"I said it's nothing!" Nick screamed at George, a tear rolling down his face. Nick wiped his tears and run out. George wanted to catch up with him but he can't get out of his room, so he sat down on the floor, thinking on what he did wrong.

Meanwhile, Nick was running in the corridor and wanting to go back to his office, wishing that Karl and Quackity were there. Once he was in his office he saw Karl and Quackity there and ran up to them, sobbing.

"Hey hey, what's wrong?" Karl asked.

"George can't remember with our friendship and it hurts," Nick said, gripping his chest while hugging both of them.

"Oh..." Quackity said, hugging Nick back as well as Karl.

Wilbur was there but he didn't care cause he has work to do.

"We'll find a way to bring his memories back," Karl said, Quackity nodding at him.

"Can we cuddle?" Nick said, looking up at both of them. Karl and Quackity nodded, before going to one of their rooms and lying down hugging each other, Nick in between them.

"Get a room," Wilbur whispered to himself before snickering and going back to his work.

George was on his cell, still sitting on the floor, wondering what he did wrong. This day was a bit chaotic, a bit only. George was beginning to feel tired, even though he didn't do anything today, but it's probably mental and emotional tiredness so that counts, so he stood up from the floor and went to the bed. Lying down, his thoughts went back to what he did wrong, and how he could fix it.

'Gah! Go to sleep George!' George screamed at himself in his mind. He turned to his side to sleep, but he can't sleep.

'Looks like I won't get any sleep tonight' George said to himself before sitting up on the bed, looking down.


1056 words


Have a great day/afternoon/night

Danganronpa obsessed author,

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