three: 4 privet drive

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It had taken Charlotte a few more days to finally bring herself to visit the Dursleys at number 4 Privet Drive.

Despite all her months in isolation, it was after the news of the Potters' deaths that she had felt the most lonely. She had lost all her friends. Lily, Marlene, Dorcas, James, Sirius, Peter. She had attempt to reach out to Remus, who she knew would be hurting just as much as she was, but he had never answered her letters.

But eventually, something within her was telling her that now was the time to go and see her godson. So she did. She Apparated just outside of 4 Privet Drive, and she rang the bell.

But when it opened, she was met with a glare, a glance up and down, and a simple, "Whatever it is you're selling, we are not interested."

The man, who she assumed was Lily's brother-in-law, had moved to shut the door in Charlotte's face, but she had managed to stop him by sticking her foot in the door. "I'm not a salesperson!" she said quickly.

The door slowly opened again, and the man had an even nastier look on his face than he did when he had first opened the door.

"You're Vernon Dursley, correct?" Charlotte questioned, but did not leave him time to reply. "Is your wife home?"

He hadn't even needed to open his mouth to respond, because at that moment, a tall woman had appeared by his side. Petunia looked very different from Lily. While the latter was redheaded, the woman standing in front of Charlotte was blonde, and her features were rather horse-like. And her eyes were blue, not green. But there were some similarities when one looked closer. Their nose had the same shape, although Lily's was slightly skinnier, and their brows arched exactly the same way. Charlotte almost smiled.

"Petunia, is it?" Charlotte said. "I'd like to speak with you. About Harry."

The couple, who had been staring bewildered at Charlotte, had now turned to each other. They didn't seem sure of what to say.

And so Charlotte spoke again. "I was friends with Lily. I'm his godmother."

They again stared at her in annoying silence, as if they were deciding whether or not to let her into their home. But eventually, they had decided, and she was sitting awkwardly on their living room couch across from them, Vernon staring holes into her. She suspected that he was waiting for her to behave strangely so he could call her out for it.

"If you are his godmother," he said, in a brutish voice. "then why has he been dumped on our doorstep?"

"I'm sure your wife has been informed of why Harry must live here?" she responded, looking to Petunia, who seemed incredibly uncomfortable. She nodded. "Good. That has not changed. Harry must call this place home until he is seventeen so that he remains safe from those who seek him harm. However, I am still his godmother. And I do wish to be involved in his upbringing."

Vernon laughed. "Why should we let another one of your kind under our roof? Knowing that freak of a sister and her husband was quite enough!"

Charlotte hardened. Her wand, which she always kept hidden up her sleeve was drawn. "I would not speak ill of Lily and James around me if I were you. It is my wish to handle this diplomatically, but if things must become messy, then so be it."

Vernon's face had become as red as a tomato, and he had opened his mouth, likely to throw a fit.

But at the same moment, an ear-piercing cry shook the entire room.

"That's Duddy," Petunia said. "He's hungry, why don't you go and feed him, Vernon?"

He had grumbled under his breath, but Charlotte did not care what he had to say to her in passing as he left the room. Now it was just her and Petunia in the room. They remained silent for a long time, while the baby remained crying in the distance.

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