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Dear Aunt Charlie,

I arrived safely at Hogwarts. I got into Gryffindor like you and my parents!

You were right, people recognized me right away. It felt kind of weird, having everyone know my name before I knew theirs.

But I made a friend! His name's Ron Weasley, he's in Gryffindor too. He's got a pet rat named Scabbers, but Hedwig looks at him like she's going to attack him, so I have to keep her in her cage whenever he's around.

Everyone's been nice to me so far. I'll write again soon.




Dear Aunt Charlie,

I've joined the Quidditch team!!!

Neville Longbottom got a Rememberall from his Gran, but lost it when his broom went haywire during flying class. Draco Malfoy took it, and when he threw it, I caught it!! Professor McGonagall saw me, and I thought I'd be in trouble for sure, but instead she wanted me to be a Seeker for the team!! She said I'm the youngest Quidditch player in over a century!

I can't wait to play my first game.




Dear Aunt Charlie,

I didn't mean to go searching for the troll, I swear! I was going to return to my dorm, but then me and Ron remembered that Hermione didn't go to dinner. We had to go looking for her to warn her, or else she might've ran into the troll on her own. It was already in the girl's bathroom attacking her when we got there.

Me and Ron got five points each for knocking it out.



Dear Aunt Charlie,

Ron is staying here for Christmas because his parents will be in Romania to visit his brother. Is it okay if I stay with him?





What on earth were you thinking? A three-headed dog, seriously? What about that suggests it would be a good idea to investigate further? Merlin, you are just like your father. Moony was beside himself with laughter when I told him what happened. I'll be at Hogwarts after dinner.




Harry James Potter,

When I allowed you to join the Weasley's to King's Cross this year, I was certainly not expecting you to be driving an illegally enchanted car all the way to Scotland. You could have waited or called, you know I keep a landline at my office, and you know the number. We could've figured out a better, safer way to get you to school.

At any rate, I'm glad you're safe. Please try not to get into anymore trouble.




Dear Aunt Charlie,

We had our first Duelling Club meeting today. There was a snake, and it wanted to attack a Hufflepuff boy. I told it not to. I didn't know it was rare for people to speak Parseltongue. Everyone thinks I'm the Heir of Slytherin now, that I'm the one attacking the Muggleborns, but I'm not. Do you know if my mum or dad knew how to speak it?



Dear Harry,

Parseltongue or not, I know you're not the one doing this. To hell with what everyone else thinks, you understand me? You yourself know that you aren't causing the petrifications, so pay no mind to everyone who talks about you.

As your mother was a Muggleborn, I doubt she knew Parseltongue. But I don't know if James knew how.

Always remember I love you, kiddo.




I really hope it's not becoming a pattern for you to end up in the hospital wing at the end of the year.

I'll be there soon.


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