thirteen: the trial

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"Witches and Wizards of the Wizengamot, I'd like to preface this trial by acknowledging that, yes, there was once a time when Sirius Black and I were close friends. And I'm sure because of this, many of you believe that my case here will be biased. However, I'd also like to remind you all that before her death, Lily Potter was my best friend. As was Dorcas Meadowes, as was Marlene McKinnon. All three of them died at the hands of Voldemort and his supporters. Ever since Lily and James Potter died on 31st October 1981, I have been entrusted with the care of my godson, Harry Potter, and I have kept him safe and cared for him like he was my own for the past twelve years. All this is to say, I would not be standing here if I was not one hundred percent certain that Sirius Black is not and never was a Death Eater."

Charlotte was standing in the center of a circular room, pacing slowly back and forth as she spoke. The members of the Wizengamot stood before her, all of them seated on raised bleacher-like seats that had her looking up at them. On the right side of the room, a wizard's hand shot up briefly before he spoke. "If you claim you are not biased towards Black, then why do you stand here to represent him? Why does he not defend himself?"

"Well, I'm sure you know he's still missing — and no, I do not know where he is, nor am I hiding him, which I'm sure the Wizengamot knows from the three house searches I have willingly submitted to. In his place, I am one of the only people that knows the true story. The others include the werewolf, Remus Lupin," At the mention of Remus' name, many people shifted uncomfortably in their seats. "And I am aware it is not the Wizengamot's wish for a werewolf to be in this courtroom. Peter Pettigrew, Death Eater, also knows, naturally, as he was the one working for Lord Voldemort in the last year of the War, but he escaped on the night of 6th June, and is not likely to tell the truth to implicate himself. The other three are the students, Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, and Ronald Weasley."

Another hand went up, a woman this time. "Is it not true that the Hogwarts Professor Severus Snape was also present during the events that occurred on 6th June?"

"He was present, yes. However, he was knocked unconscious shortly after he'd arrived to the Shrieking Shack, thus failing to be present for crucial events."

When there were no more questions, Dumbledore, seated in the center of the Wizengamot, directly in front of Charlotte, spoke. "You may begin your case, Miss Wilson."

"Thank you, Professor," she said before clearing her throat. "On the night of August 6th, a few weeks after his escape, I received a visit from Sirius Black in my home. I did not have my wand on my person at the time, so I did not attempt to apprehend him. At the time, it was believed that he was deranged, so I did not know what he was capable of. He came to me to talk. He gave me a photo." With a flick of her wand, she placed the Prophet clipping onto the podium in front of Dumbledore. Another flick, and the clipping was multiplying itself, each member of the Wizengamot receiving a copy. "He claimed that the rat pictured on Ronald Weasley's shoulder — the youngest son, in the bottom left — was Peter Pettigrew due to the fact that the rat in the photograph was missing a toe, and as we all know, all that was found of Peter Pettigrew in 1981 was his finger. Naturally, I did not believed him, so when he left shortly after, I reported immediately to Kingsley Shacklebolt, who was tasked with watching over my home that night."

A hand went up, but she dismissed it by holding out her own. "I know what you are going to ask — what does a rat have anything to do with Peter Pettigrew? I'm getting there." Reluctantly, the hand went down, and she continued. "For a few months, Sirius Black made appearances here and there, but he escaped on every occasion. Then, on the evening of June 6th, I received a vague letter from Remus Lupin, who up until recently, taught at Hogwarts as the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, saying that 'He was telling the truth'. Remus was also a close friend of mine for years, and I had confided in him the same story that Sirius Black told me. I reported this lead to Amelia Bones, and she allowed me to approach Sirius Black alone in hopes that I could get him to come quietly, with Aurors stationed at Hogsmeade village."

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