twenty: the hearing

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Charlotte normally would have never gotten up at five in the morning for work, but Harry's hearing was an obvious special occasion. She was practically sleepwalking when she bumped into Sirius in the corridor at fifteen after, dressed and ready to go.

"Careful, darling," he murmured, the sleepiness still clear in his voice as well. Together, they made their way down to the kitchen to wait for Harry as he got ready.

Judging from the sound of scratching chairs on floorboards, a handful of people were already awake. Sure enough, as she and Sirius stepped into the kitchen, Arthur, Tonks, and Remus were already sitting around the table, with Molly busying herself over the stove.

"Good morning." Her voice was not her usual chipper tone. Everyone in the room was nervous for today, and it showed. "Any breakfast for you two?"

"Just coffee for me Molly, thank you," Charlotte said, taking a seat next to Sirius. She had to finish her entire mug before she was finally awake and aware enough to join the quiet conversation around the table. Briefly, she glanced at Tonks, who had just yawned for the fourth time in under a minute. "Night shift?"

"No, it was Emmeline last night," she explained. "I just worked late. Which reminds me, Rufus Scrimgeour —"

Just then, Harry entered the kitchen. Molly, who Charlotte had not even noticed had sat down, leapt to her feet again.

"Breakfast," she said, busying herself with food once again.

"M-m-morning, Harry," Tonks yawned. "Sleep all right?"

"Yeah," he said.

"I've b-b-been up all night," she said with another yawm. "Come and sit down..."

He said nothing as he took the empty chair in between Remus and Sirius.

"What do you want, Harry? Porridge? Muffins? Kippers? Bacon and eggs? Toast?"

"Just — just toast, thanks."

"What were you saying about Scrimgeour?" Remus asked, looking at Tonks.

"Oh... yeah... well, we need to be a bit more careful, he's been asking Kingsley and me funny questions... and I'll have to tell Dumbledore I can't do night duty tomorrow, I'm just t-t-too tired."

"I'll cover for you," said Arthur. "I'm okay, I've got a report to finish anyway..."

"Scrimgeour's always been known for his ambition," Charlotte said. "Fudge probably ought to be more wary of him trying to snag the title out from under him more than Dumbledore."

There was a general murmur of agreement before Tonks turned to Harry. "How are you feeling?"

All he did was shrug.

"It'll all be over soon," said Arthur. "In a few hours' time you'll be cleared."

Harry said nothing, and understandably so. It was easier for the rest of them to say it would all be fine, but in the end, he was the only one facing this.

"The hearing's in my department," Charlotte said. "In Amelia Bones's office, she's our head. She'll also be the one questioning you... she's all right. She's fair. She was understanding of our position when the hunt for Sirius was still going on, so she'll hear you out too."

He nodded.

"Don't lose your temper," Sirius said. "Be polite and stick to the facts."

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