nine: the three broomsticks

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Everyone had been on edge since Sirius' break-in during Halloween, and because of it, it seemed that Sirius was laying low again. No other sightings had been reported, nor did there seem to be any more attempts of entering the castle.

And yet, Charlie had found herself getting less and less sleep the quieter things had been. Sirius' absence, not knowing where he was or what he was up to, or if he were even still alive had given her more anxiety than she knew it ought to. The effects that the whole situation had on her showed on her face too.


The voice made Charlie look up from the endless amounts of paperwork on her desk. Before her stood her boss and Head of the Magical Law Enforcement Department at the Ministry, Amelia Bones.

"Madam Bones." She sat up a little straighter, surprised by the sudden visit. "What can I do for you?"

Madam Bones' lips were pursed into a straight line, and she looked as though she didn't quite know what to say to her. But eventually, she opened her mouth to speak. "It's been reported that Sirius Black broke into the Gryffindor common room earlier this morning."

Every bone in her body tensed. Her hands curled up into fists, and she wanted to curse. Just when she thought she might have believed Sirius, he pulls this. Just when she thought he was lying low, he makes an appearance yet again.

"Charlotte... I must ask. Do you have any idea of where Sirius Black might be staying."

She might have been offended at the question, but in truth, she understood the suspicion. It was common knowledge to anyone that attended Hogwarts during their time that she and Sirius were close, but it was just as much common knowledge that she was even closer with Lily Evans. "No, I don't. After he came into my home, I haven't heard anything of or from him. And if I was helping him, I wouldn't have told you that he came to visit me that night anyhow."

Amelia simply nodded, seemingly accepting her explanation. "You should take the rest of the day off. I'm sure Professor Dumbledore wouldn't turn you away if you wanted to visit."

"Okay, thank you."

Charlotte didn't go to visit Hogwarts like suggested. In a span of a few hours of her leaving work early, she'd received letters from both Remus and Harry letting her know that they were fine, with Harry in particular complaining that he'd been instructed not to visit Hogsmeade until the situation is sorted out. She empathized with him wanting to go and spend time with his friends, she really did, but she had to admit, until Sirius' intentions were clear and there was significant proof that he hadn't been the one to sell James and Lily out, it was the best thing to do to keep him safe.

Having decided that she'd respond to them later, she left London entirely, Apparating to Hogsmeade village.

It had been years since she had last been here, but she still knew the streets like the back of her hand, and before she knew it, she was making her way towards the Three Broomsticks.

"Blimey, is that Charlotte Wilson?"

The voice came from Madame Rosmerta, the bartender from behind the bar.

"It is indeed," Charlie smiled warmly at the other woman as she took a seat at the bar. "How are you, Rosmerta?"

"Well, those dementors strolling about haven't been great for business, but I'd imagine that's nothing compared to what you've been through after all this. I heard about what happened this morning, are you alright?"

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