Chapter 4

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Crytal's p.o.v

"Where have you been?! We have to go to the kingdom or mom will kill us" Amy said as soon as I closed the door.


"Nevermind. Let's go!" Amy interrupted me.

"Kay. I know the perfect clearing in the woods where no one will see us." I quickly answered. While we ran there, Amy filled me in on why the heck we were going home.

"Mother called and wanted us to come home. We haven't been there for so long that she's worried."

"That's it?" I asked.

"Yeah." She replied

When we got to the clearing, I made a giant bubble around us and we teleported home. As a guard was about to open the doors, Amy stopped him.

"Wait. Mother also says that she wanted us to wear our gowns." She said, looking at me.

"But I don't like them!" I whined.

"Too bad 'cause we have to."

"Fine." I snapped my fingers and the usual dresses popped on. Mine was a puke green pooffy gown and Amy has a pale pink one. Both look horrible on us.

"Let's get this over with..." I mumbled.

Amy's p.o.v

When we walked inside, everything looked as if we never left. Gold and Crystal Chandeliers, marble floors, and of course, our mother, who hasn't changed a bit.

"Amelia, Luna! What a surprise." She says to us.

'Yeah right, you practically ordered us here.' I thought. Me and Crystal curtsied.

"Now, how have you been girls? I've been dying to know." She asks.

"Well, today was our first day of highschool." I said to her, knowing that Crystal wasn't going to talk anytime soon.

"Oh that's wonderful! And-"

"Miss. You have a meeting right now."  (IDK her name) said.

"Oh, that's to bad. We'll have to catch up later girls. Tata" She said, getting up, her long pale pink hair dropping to her knees. Her violet eyes looking at us.

"Take care." She said before disapearing behind a door.

"Come on, lets go." Crystal says. We walk out the door and she telaports us out of here.

When we land, we walk through the woods talking. I notice that it's completely dark now.

"Geez, this dress is annoying me." Crystal says to me.

She bends down and rips the bottom of the dress out till it stopped at her knees.

"Can you do that for me-" I stop feeling dizzy. Black spots apearing at the ends of my eyes.

"Are you ok-" Crystal starts. But before she could finish her question, I fell to the floor, the whole world turning black.

Crystal's p.o.v

"Are you ok-" I started before Amy passed out cold. Suddenly, I fell to my knees, blood seeping out of the back of my dress. Then, I heard it. A rustling that was getting louder every passing minute.

"Wh-who's there?!? Yo-you better not come closer!" I yell in to the darkness.

"It's okay. It's just me." A deep familiar voice says.

"Shadow?" I ask.

"Yeah?" He asks, coming into view.

"He-help m-me."

Shadow quickly helped me up. Then, he picked up Amy and we headed to my house.

"Um, if you don't mind me asking, why are you guys wearing gowns? And why are you bleeding?" He asks, setting Amy down on the couch. I took off my dress and put a towel at the front, avoiding the three slashes of blood on my back. Shadow came over to me and started treating my wound.

"It's a long story." I reply.

"I got time." He answers.

"Well, we're not normal. What I mean is, we're... princesses. So, as a child, we got captured alot. But there was this one particular kidnapping, the-the person who kidnapped us almost killed me. He cursed us that if any boy says anything rude at all, well, we would get a scar on our back at midnight. It was my fault that we got captured the first time, so I tried lifting the curse from Amy. Now, everytime they say something rude to Amy, it hurts me instead. Literally. And Amy would just pass out for, about, 20 hours. And, that's about it." By the time I finished, Shadow was done treating the wound.

"Don't all these scars hurt you?" He asks, noticing my other wounds.

"Not really." I said, shrugging, "You get used to them when you get them frequently."

"So Amy's not gonna be in school tomorrow?" Shadow asks.


"Will you?" He asks, looking at me.

"I'll have to. If both of us are gone, they might get worried and come over. And I don't think I'll be able to explain," I wave my arm to Amy and me, "all this."

"But you just told me."

"Yeah, but I'm not supposed to."


"Anyways, I'll see you tomorrow in school. Bye"

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