Chapter 3: Part 2

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Dedicated to @isabel513

Amy's p.o.v

'I can't believe Crystal did that! Ugh, she is gonna pay! Uh oh, gotta cool it on the anger Amy, fires coming out of your hands' I thought. I quickly calmed down and the fire disappeared. After that, I saw Sonic coming over. 'Please tell me he didn't see! Please tell me he didn't see!' I pleaded in my head.

"Well, I guess I'm gonna have to walk you home." Sonic said, using a I-Totally-Don't-Want-To-Do-This tone. I just forced a smile and replied, "I guess you are."

*A couple minutes later*

We were walking when we turned to the street me and crystal's 'house' was when Sonic asked, "Hey, what's [Insert super advanced mathematical question]?"

Without having to think, I immediately answered the question, "[Answer of the super advanced mathematical question]"

"Dang! Even Tails didn't know the answer to that!" Sonic replied.

"Well, I am taking preclaculas." I said.

"But so is Tails."

"And i am already smart enough to get through college but because I always moved around to different places alot, I sometimes got held back. The only reason I was able to pass was because i was so smart." I answered.

"Oh." Was all he said. Soon we were just walking in silence. I finally had enough of it and was going to say something, "Hey," We said in unsion.

"You go first!"

"Its okay. You go" I said.

"Okay. Well, I have a crush on this girl and i was, well, i was wondering if, if, well I was wondering if you could be my girlfriend!" Sonic blurted.

"Whoa whoa. I feel like I don't know the whole story." I said feeling a little uneasy.

"It's just, there's this girl named Nikki and I really like her. But I don't know if she likes me back, so I was wondering if you would date me so I could make her jealous."

"But why me? Why not another girl." I asked.

"Because you're the only one remotely close to being as pretty as her." Sonic replied.

"Gee, thanks." I said sarcastically. I don't know If i should've taken that as a compliment or something else so I just said it like that.

"Omg! It's Sonic!!" A girl yelled. Suddenly, Sonic was surrounded by fangirls. Slowly, they pushed me out of the circle. 'Damn, he must be really popular.' I thought. 'But probably not as popular as Crystal.'


"Ugh! What now!!" I yell, turning around. Only to see eggman.

"Eggman! I thought you'd be dead by now!" I yelled at him.

"Hmm, and how would you know my name?" Egg man asked. Suddenly, realization came to his face.

"Oh, now I remember. You were Sonic's little girlfriend." He said.

"Shut up, egghead!"

Suddenly, Egghead's machine grabbed me with a sharp claw. At that moment, Sonic finally noticed that I was in danger.

"Don't worry! I'll save you! He yelled. 'Damn it. I don't need saving! I could've beaten him by now if he wasn't looking.' I thought, 'Now I have to be the damsel in distress'.

"I'm fine! Don't wor--OW!!!" I yelled, glaring at the robot, who just poked me with his claw.

"Damn it!! Let go of me!!" Just as Sonic was 'coming to my rescue, another giant robot appeared and started attacking the fan girls. Sonic turned around and started fighting that one.

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