Chapter 1: School

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Crystal's p.o.v


"Ugh! Shut up!" I yelled at the alarm clock. I know, stupid, right?

*BEEP BEEP BEEP* And of course, Nothing happened. "Aahh!!" I finally broke. I made one of my machetes appear and slashed the alarm clock.

"CRYSTAL!! Did you brake another alarm clock!" Amy yelled from downstairs.

"YES!!" I answered, knowing that she shouldn't care that much now.

"Ugh! Get another one and get ready! The bus'll be here in ten minutes!"

"'Kay" I replied. I got another alarm clock from the night stand beside my bed and put it where the other clock was. I quickly got up, 'I feel like country today' I thought. I went to my closet and got my clothes. I put on a white long-sleeve shirt and a brown leather cowboy vest (not buttoned). I then put on a white skirt that finishes at half my thigh and brown leathered boots. When I was done I went down the stairs, when I was at the bottom Amy gave me a pop tart. She was wearing a red sleeveless shirt and skinny jeans.

"Hey, have you seen my cowgirl hat?"I asked Amy

"Um, I think it's in the living room." Amy replied.

"Thanks." I went to the living room and found my hat on the couch. I got it and put it on.

"Hey Amy, Do you think we'll see some of our old friends?" I asked my sister.

"Eh, probably. They might not remember us though." Amy replied.

You see when we ran-- eh, I mean moved away 10 years ago, we were only 7 years old. Today we are going to school, chaos high. While we were talking I noticed something blue pass by.

"*gasp* The bus!" I screamed. We went out but the bus was already gone.

"NOW what are we gonna do?" Amy asked me. I thought for a second, but--Ah!

"I got an idea! Wait here!" I told Amy. I ran inside and went in the closet that had our extreme gear. I got our hoverboards and went to Amy.

"We'll use these!" I said.

"Nice!" She replied.

We were still riding our hover boards when we reached the school. We didn't get off once we were inside because we only had 3 minutes till classes started. Well, not until we crashed into someone. That someone was a green hawk with goggles on top of his head. I fell off my board and landed on him. Amy noticed him and stopped right before she could hit him. I quickly got up and apologized.

"I am so sorry. I wasn't watchen' where I was 'goin'." I said in a country accent. I held out my hand.

He took it and said,"It's okay. I'm Jet, Jet the Hawk." He eyed my board. "You ride often?"

"I'm Crystal. And yeah, I do. I'm pretty good if I say so myself." I replied, still in a country accent ( That I perfected).

"Nice, I ride to. Maybe we could race sometime?" He asked.


* Meanwhile, with sonic*

Nobody's p.o.v

"I mean, she's perfect." Sonic ended his rant with a dreamy sigh. Currently he was talking to Tails about Nikki the Cat, the girl/cat of her dreams. Sonic saw Nikki and went over to talk to her. With tails (The fox he just left behind o-o.)

Tails' p.o.v

Knuckles came up to me saying that there are these two new girls here and they accidentally fell on jet. I was surprised but I followed him to where they were. When I got there I saw a hedgehog with long blue quills that reached her knees and had purples eyes, she looked kinda familiar but I didn't know from where. the other one had pink quills that reached half her back with jade green eyes. I was thinking when...

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