Chapter six

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Crystal's p.o.v

I opened my eyes, 'Where am I?' I thought. Suddenly, all the events came crashing in. 'That's right, I passed out of blood lose.' I sat up. But then,I started clutching my head, someone trying to tell me something.

"It's no use fighting it. You and your sister will die in darkness!" I looked around, but no one was there.

"Who are you?!" I ask. For a while, no one answers. Then, like some strange force, I'm pushed down on my bed again. I close my eyes, suddenly knowing who he his.

"You! Your the one who killed my older sister!" I yell.

"So you finally realized it. Soon, I will break out of my prison, and you will be my first victim. And your friends will fall after." I scoff.

"Yeah right!" I say, "I will beat you sorry ass to the next oblivion!" Suddenly, I feel something on my neck. It's so tight that I couldn't breath.

"You? Defeat me? Unlikely, your just like your sister Sophie!!" I hear cackling all around me, the world slowly getting darker.

"No one, calls my sister Sophie. except. Me.." I said, losing my consciousness again.

"Crystal, Crystal wake up!" Someone says. I quickly open my eyes.

"Dominick?" I ask, hoping that it's true.

"Yeah?" He asks. I quickly get up and hug him.

Dominick's p.o.v

All of them, everyone will fall to my feet. And then, you Crystal, will be my queen. Amy will just die like that weak sister of hers...

Amy's p.o.v

'Dominick, why? Why do you intend to kill us?' I have learned that when I'm under this stupid spell, I can tap into peoples minds. I wanted to figure out if Dom truly liked Crystal but instead, I found out that he wants to kill us all.

'I need to warn Crystal.' I thought. 'If I could only wake up'..

Shadow's p.o.v

When school ends, I decide to see if Crystal's awake. I've been avoiding Sonic and the gang all day, just in case I break and tell them. When I walk in the nurses office, I see Crystal talking to Dominick.

"Shadow?" Crystal says, seeing me. I grin and nod.

"That's me." I said.

"Oh, thank god your here, I need to talk to you." Crystal says.

Dominick's p.o.v

Damn, that bastard of a hedgehog is going to steal her from me. No problem, I know just what to do.

"Well, I better get going. Or my sister is going to murder me for being late." I said grinning knowingly, walking towards the door. I didn't even hear a goodbye.

Crystal's p.o.v

"Did you tell them?" I ask the question that's been killing me.

"No." Shadow replies.

"Oh thank goodness! Anyways, how long have I been passed out?"

"About.. 6 or 8 hours."

"What? I've been out that long?" I ask.

"Yeah. Also, you better have a good lie on why you passed out, 'cause when we get out that door, you'll have a lot of explaining to do." Shadow tells me.

"Your right. I'll just tell them that I was walking in the woods at night when someone attacked me from behind." I said.

"Oka-ay. But there's one little problem."

"What?" I ask.

"Why would you be in the woods at night?" Shadow reasoned.

"You got a point. I know! I will say that I was in the city!" I thought out loud.

"Good idea. Come on, lets go." Shadow said. I got up and put on my black jacket from my backpack. The minute I stepped out, I was bombarded by our friends.

"What happened?" Was what I mostly heard.

"Don't worry, I'm fine! I just hurt myself yesterday when I was in the city. A stupid guy jumped  me." I said, feeding them lies. They seemed to buy it, so all is good.

Rouge's p.o.v

'Why is Crystal lying?' I thought. 'Ah, well. I'll jut have to get it out of Shadow later.'
Once we got the okay from the doctor, Blaze and Cream start helping Crystal since she insists on checking up on Amy. 'Now's my chance.' I catch Shadows eyes and signal him to follow me.

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