chapter 9

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As I continued to hear the tire shreaks around the corner ignored them and selfishly stood there in his arms. I suddenly heard a loud bang and felt his body crash into mime and go limp. With the tires rushing off in the distance I looked down to find blood drenched all over me and Logan with a loud cry I fell to the ground sat him in my lap striggeled to find my phone and call 911 "my boyfriends been shot" I cried hystarically. "Oh my god Logan no baby no please no" I screamed as I tried to stop his bleeding all the while he just looked at me with blood pouring out of his mouth he struggeled to say "I'm sorry" I felt him go unconsious in my arms. When the ambulance finally got there they lifted him up on the streacher threw me in the back with him and the immediantly hooked him up to oxygyn and IVs and all that good mess. The doctors rushed him in to surgery but not before questioning me a thousand times what happened honestly I didn't know what had happen I mean I did it was a drive by but they kept asking why someone would do that to him and I didn't know the answer to that he was an amazing person with a huge heart I had no idea why someone so cruel would want to hurt somebody with so much love. A couple hours later the doctor came to me in the waiting room and took me back to the room he would be staying in he said "its not looking good Jessica we are trying everything we can to save your boyfriends life" I fell to my knees shaking uncontrollably crying so loudly I couldn't breath why? Why would someone do this to me ? I thought to my self then I cried out "god you vultcher  bring him back or take me with him!"

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