ahaha... spice.

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I'm in the library with Adrian Pucey, we'd been hanging out a lot recently after being seated together in History of Magic and immediately hitting it off as friends. I could always sense that he had some sort of romantic feelings for me but he is a good guy and I trust him well enough so I don't really worry about it. I had told him I didn't want to be anything more than friends. Besides, I had no interest in him like that because of my... involvement... with Tom. I also hadn't seen Tom alone in about a week, but I figured he was just being moody, god knows that wasn't an unusual occurrence. Adrian and I are currently studying together, well trying to study, as both of us keep getting distracted and talking to each other. Adrian says he has to go, and begins packing his stuff up.

    "Are you going to the party this weekend?" Adrian asks, making me look up from the paper I was working on.

    "Yes. Thank merlin it's just what I need after this week."

    "Brilliant, I'll see you there."

    "Bye Adrian." I say happily as he walks away, waving back at me.


Somehow I had gotten roped into a game of spin the bottle with a group of kids in my year, but noted that Tom was not in it. I know that if he even saw me playing this game he would hate it but honestly I'm tired of him ignoring me recently so I figured this could be a good way to get his attention since I know he's at the party. Eventually it's my turn and I spin it, it goes for a while before landing on... Adrian! He smirks at me, blushing slightly, and I glance over to where I thought I saw Tom earlier and see him with Pansy and some other girl. Oh he deserves this. I look back over to Adrian and stand up, reaching him and straddling his lap. I brush a piece of hair from his face and he happily rests his hands on my waist.

    "Is this ok?" I ask him, and he smirks, nodding.

    "More than ok."

With that, I lean into him, giving everyone a show and praying to whoever would listen that Tom was seeing this. Adrian moved one of his hands to the back of my neck, deepening our kiss, which had turned into a makeout. The other people in the circle were clapping, laughing, gasping, and exclaiming at what was happening, and when I pulled away from Adrian we both laughed heartily and I leaned my head on his shoulder.

    "If that's what I get when I'm just your friend I think I'm fine with it." I smack his shoulder and step back, still chuckling and a giddy smile on my face as the rest of the people in the circle laugh with us.

    "Quite the show you two." Blaise Zabini calls happily.

I look over to where Tom had been standing and see him make momentary eye-contact with me, pure hatred and anger in his eyes. I couldn't help but notice him shifting uncomfortably and looking down. HOLY-


He seems to notice that I see as I let a small smirk pass my lips and he storms out of my sight into the crowd. The game continues but I can't help but be completely zoned out as I think about Tom. A few minutes later I check my phone and see a text.

"My room. Now." From Tom.

I smirk as I read it, but then notice my heart rate rapidly increasing as I am nervous about his reaction to this. He gets jealous about the little things, so god knows how he'll react to me full on making out with a boy in a room full of people. I - truly having a death wish - decide to respond back to him instead of just obeying.

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