Down (smol angry non-relationship boi)

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Tom Riddle's neck is so fucking hot I-

lmaooo Posessive type one shot don't come for me I changed it it's just the same general thing

Again with the Tom/Cedric shit idk it just makes sense to me that Tom would absolutely despise and be jealous of Cedric idc if I'm mixing timelines :)

We reach the Room of Requirements, and the door appears. He opens it roughly, hand still holding me tightly, and pushes me inside. Once we're in, he lets go and shuts the door. I stand back from the door and look at him, eyebrows raised.

"What?" He doesn't answer. "Riddle you know you don't own me. You can't just drag me away from someone else just because you feel like it. Why are we even here?"

"What's going on between you and Diggory?" He says casually, but I can hear the distaste as he says Cedric's name. I'm slightly taken aback, and lick my lips as I glance around the room before answering.

"What do you mean?" He cocks his head at me, a dangerous look in his eyes. I shrug, scoffing as I raise my hands up defensively. "What?"

"I'm not blind. I know two people who are... enraptured with each other when I see them."

"Enraptured? I think you may be blind. I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Don't play innocent." He takes a sharp step towards me, and I step back.

"We aren't together."

"But there is something."

"Why do you care?" He pauses, looking me up and down with an almost soft look on his features. "Hmm? It's really none of your business." His face hardens.

"He's a Hufflepuff." I laugh out loud.

"That's it? You took me away from my friend to tell me that you don't like him because he's a hufflepuff. God get over yourself honestly, you don't rule the world, Riddle." I say. "Asshole." I mutter under my breath as I move forwards and stride past him to leave the room, but before I can grab the doorknob, he grabs me and turns me around, pinning me to the wall next to the door. I exhale sharply as my back hits the wall, and I find myself staring up at him. His hands placed predatorially on either side of my head, trapping me as he smirks down at me.

"No one speaks to me like that and simply walks away." He leans back and walks to another spot in the room. I step after him for a second, frustrated with him.

"I don't give a fuck. Someone can't just treat people however they want and then expect to be treated like a king. Especially someone like you."

"Someone like me?" He says, anger visible in his eyes. He stalks towards me, coming dangerously close as he waits for my response. He wants me to back down, to stutter or be afraid, but there's no way I'm giving him the satisfaction.

"An asshole. An arrogant asshole."


"What?" A confused look crosses my features.

"I said down. On your knees right now." He leans in closer.

"No." He wraps his hand around the back of my neck, squeezing it firmly as he leans down to me and stares intensely into my eyes.

"You'll find there's a reason I'm treated like a king. Those who don't obey suffer the rightful consequences." He gives my neck another squeeze as my eyes bore into his and I don't move a muscle. He lets go of my neck slowly. I turn and start to walk away but his voice stops me. "Where do you think you're going?" He growls as he grabs me and turns me back to him.

"Away from you."

"I didn't say you could leave. You still have to-"

"I'm not-"

"Get on your knees!" He demands, and his voice is so terrifying I obey. He grabs my shoulder and shoves me down. I get on my knees in front of him. He smirks. "Unbuckle my belt."


"Don't make me tell you again." He seethes, grabbing a fistful of my hair from the back of my head. I try to unbuckle it but my hands are shaking.

Tom lets out a frustrated sigh and lets go of my hair to do it himself. He unzips his pants and lets them fall open, revealing his boxers.

I breathe heavily. "Look at me." He spits in a demanding voice, and I flinch. I look up at him. His eyes travel around my face, pure lust, anger, and power in his eyes. I look away, "Don't look away until I tell you to." I don't, and he grabs my face and forces me to look at him, his eyes dark and cold. "If I ever see you flirting so blatantly with Diggory again I will kill him. We don't consort with Hufflepuffs, understood?" I nod, my skin on fire as he digs his fingernails into my face. "And if you ever speak to me in such a way again I will fuck your throat so hard you won't be able to talk for days."

With that he lets go of my face, refastens his pants, and leaves the room, sending me one last smirk as he looks back and locks his gaze with mine as I stay kneeling, dumbstruck on the floor.


Is it hot in here?


- love <3<3<3

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