heated 'enemies' scenario/fight (TENSIONN) no smut. well.. maybe a lil...

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A/N: look at sweet boi tom's cartoon picture thank you picrew I don't take credit for the art the creator is tagged in the image!

ahem 😏 fun authors note at the bottom check it out

If you get triggered by knives or getting cut (not self-inflicted) then this chapter isn't for you

Setting: We're in the room of requirements, our argument started somewhere else but when it got too heated in public he dragged me away forcefully, taking me to the RoR. Tom and I are in the middle of a h e a t e d argument and there's so much tension swirling with hatred and attraction it's absolutely insane. I mean he is pissed and I am too but I'm also enjoying this and trying to piss him off further, which may end up being a big mistake🤭. Anyways let's get into it.

"Fuck you." I spit back at his insult.

"Don't you dare speak to me in that way." He says, approaching me threateningly. He stops when he's right in front of me and I scoff at him, brushing past him and moving so I'm standing in front of the window.

I turn around to face him and he does the same. "I'll speak to you however I want, Riddle. Especially if you feel the authority to insult me like that." I seethe.

"I do." He says slowly, taking a step towards me.

"Fucks sake." I exclaim. "Your arrogance really has no limits." We both pause for a moment, staring heatedly at each other. I look away from him, staring into the fireplace.

Before I can realize what's happening, he's striding towards me. He grabs my arm and pulls me into him as I try to back away, towering over me and scowling down at me.

"Be more careful in the way you speak to me, or I'll make you regret what you've said." He threatens, squeezing my arm so painfully tight I'm sure he'll leave bruises, but I don't let him see this, simply staring up at him defiantly.

"I'm not afraid of you..." I say defiantly. "And I'd really love to see you try to hurt me." I say, returning a scowl.

"I'd love to as well." He says, a twisted grin finding its home on his lips. I suddenly yank my arm away from him and he lets go. I roll my eyes before stepping forward and challenging him again.

"You disgust me." I sneer. His eyes narrow in anger and he steps towards me. I step back.

"Liar." He taunts.

I scoff and shake my head. "You're so fucking full of yourself, Riddle. You are not a god."

He continues stepping towards me, and I keep stepping back. I don't realize that he's backing me into a wall, only focused on the tension between us and what we think is hatred.

"What am I?" He asks darkly, continuing to back me up.

"An arrogant, hypocritical, prick, who doesn't know how pathetic he is." I say, and his eyes flash crimson.

In a second, he summons a dagger to his hand and slams me against the wall, his arm across my chest with the dagger digging into my neck slightly. He moves the dagger and grabs my face with his hand.

"I'm not someone you want as your enemy, darling." He says softly and threateningly. He leans closer to me, putting his body weight onto me as he moves the dagger back to my neck so he's tilting my chin up with the tip. I look into his eyes, now the anger melting away leaving me scared of what he's going to do. He sees this and cocks his head, smirking proudly, bringing the daggers blade to lay against the side of my neck again, but I continue to look up at him. "Now... I'm going to tell you one last time... learn your place. I suggest you try to remember it this time, hmm?" He says, raising his eyebrows.

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