a threat (wholesome boi-not so wholesome boi)

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Background ig? Y'all are both staying at one of the manors for the ball with your friends. It's the morning after the Yule Ball.

I'm in my room at the manor, writing at the desk. It's about six in the morning, and no one else is awake, or at least that's what I think. I'm wearing a pair of black sweatpants and a comfy bra top. It's a little cold but I like that in the morning so I'm not wearing anything over it, however there is a zip up hoodie on my bed that I was wearing before bed last night.

I hear a soft knock at the door and jolt up slightly. I stand up and move towards the door, speaking softly to whoever's on the other side.

"Who is it?" I ask, voice slightly raspy.

"Me." Tom Riddle's voice comes from the other side of the door, and I recognize it instantly.

"Alright. Come in." I say, stepping away from the door and waving my hand at the door to undo the lock. I move over to the bed and pick up the hoodie, hearing him come in and shut the door behind him before I can reach it. I turn around, throwing it on for some kind of coverage but not zipping it up. "Morning, Riddle." I say, and he crosses into my room comfortably, moving so he's standing in front of my desk, looking down. I smile lightly, rolling my tongue on the inside of my cheek as his back is turned, and move to stand in front of the window, the scene is beautiful, the grounds in a very dusty light.

"Seeing you with all of these people, people who I know you don't agree with or like. You act like they're your friends, and they fall for it..." He pauses, almost seeming nervous. "Should I be worried you'll do something like that to me?" He asks genuinely. I furrow my brows slightly, a small smile remaining at the thought of him being worried I'm manipulating him.

"Look at me." I say, and he does. "Even if I wanted to manipulate you like that, which I don't..." I start, and I see him relax slightly as he finds I'm not lying. It's kind of scary how he can do that but oh well. "I highly doubt you, Tom Riddle, would fall for it."

His face softens slightly and he gazes sweetly down at me. "I feel... I think I might, if you were to try, I mean."

"Oh?" I say, teasing slightly, and he clenches his jaw, looking away again. "Sounds like I'm a threat to you, Riddle." I tease further, a smug smirk spreading across my lips.

"Everyone is a potential threat." He says simply.

I furrow my brows, shaking my head. "But no one will ever beat you?" I ask. He shrugs slightly. "So what does that mean for me, a potential threat with real potential?"

"I suppose it means I'll have to keep you very close." He says, turning to look at me, and when our gazes meet, it's full of intensity and tension.

"You don't seem like you hate me." I say. "Do you like all of the people who pose a threat to you?" I ask.

A smirk stretches subtly across his face. "I like to remind them of their place." He says, and both of us turn to face each other. He takes a small step forward, his body right in front of mine. "Keep them there, and if they were to step out of line... I'd punish them for it."

"My place?" I say, raising an eyebrow and cocking my head.

"Mhm." He says with a smirk.

"And where exactly is my place?" I ask.

"You'll see." He responds.

His head cocks further, a strand of hair falling into his face. He throws his head back, brushing his hand through his hair, then looks back down at me. One of the torso sides of the jacket is back slightly. His eyes trail down my body, stopping at it. He reaches his hand out slowly, looking me in the eyes, and then looks down before pushing back the fabric, revealing my skin more. He places his hand on my exposed waist and runs his thumb over the skin there. His hand warm and rough. It stays like that for a moment or two, before he looks back into my eyes and I meet his gaze.

His hand slowly moves to my back and he pulls me closer to him suddenly. I place my hands on his chest subconsciously and he looks down at me, gaze full of lust and adoration. My breathing becomes faster as I take in his appearance, smell, and feel. A small smirk appears on his lips.

"Do I make you nervous?" He asks condescendingly. I roll my eyes, turning my head to look out the window as I chuckle. He pulls my face back so I'm looking at him again with his free hand and lowers his head slightly. "No need to lie. I already know the answer." He punctuates his condescending statement by tugging me closer to him, hand on my lower back. He leans down, nipping my ear slightly before speaking into it directly. "Your place is right here, hm?" He says softly, and slightly threateningly but I like it. He pulls back and stares at me for a second before we both lean in and meet, our lips colliding. His hand moves to the back of my head as we battle for dominance in the kiss. One of my hands moves to his shoulder while the other remains on his chest. He introduces his tongue to the kiss and I happily reciprocate, us moving together perfectly. His hand tangles itself in my hair and tugs slightly, causing me to exhale into the kiss. I feel him smirk slightly but he doesn't stop kissing me.

In just a few seconds, he moves from my lips to my jaw and begins kissing all around my neck, jaw, and collarbone. I let out small sounds as he moves, and decide he's getting too smug as he chuckles into my neck. He continues more aggressively and I move my hand on his shoulder back slightly, before tangling my hand in his hair and tugging quite roughly. His response isn't exactly what I expected, as he lets out a deep groan from the back of his throat and pulls back from my neck slightly, eyes rolled back as I do it again. A deep, smug, smirk, appears on my lips as I admire his reaction, and he sneers at me. Shit. He grabs my wrist, and pulls it away from his hair, placing it on his chest. He straightens up completely and then adjusts his grip on my hair roughly. He tugs my head back so it's leaned back and he's really looking down at me.

"Can you never just do as you're told?" He spits. I wince and whimper slightly as he tugs harshly and he smiles menacingly. "If you can't handle it you shouldn't have started it, Y/N... hmm?"

"It was worth it." I start through a smile. "So that's what gets to you." I say, smirking.

"Fucking whore." He seethes, and notices I don't look offended. He chuckles, throwing his head back, then looks back at me. "You liked that, didn't you?" He asks, still grinning. He cocks his head, letting go of my hair and moving it to my neck. He pushes me back until I hit a wall, him towering over me. "Aww." He coos. "And here you are, acting all innocent." He says, tightening his grip on my neck slightly. He leans into my ear and speaks softly directly into it, his warm breath sending shivers down my body. "Here's the thing. You act innocent and think you're not, but you don't even know... you can't even imagine the things I'll do to you." He pulls back and looks down at me. "I'm going to ruin your innocence and then you'll see just how much you can really take. This arrogance about your... what was it your ability to get to me will be gone." He finishes and cocks his head as he looks down at me. He removes his hand from my throat and places his palms on either side of me. "Anything to say now?" He taunts, smirking cockily.

"Not really." I respond softly.

"Good." He says, and kisses my temple before he steps back and returns to the window, his hands behind his back and a smirk set on his lips.


Tom we were having a sweet moment you had to bring ur horny dominance into it

Sorry these ones are very short I'll get more longer ones out soon and YES THAT INCLUDES PART 2 TO US DOMMING TOM. MANS IS PISSED AND BOUTTA SHOW US WHO'S IN CONTROL...

- love <3<3<3

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