tutor 🤪

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Just some smut ykyk scenario shit

little basic but tom's hot so whatever


I walk down the hallway, annoyed at the current situation. This is not how I want to spend my Saturday evening.

Tom Riddle has always been a smug bitch, so I'm sure him knowing he is tutoring me will make him even more insufferable than usual. I stand outside of the door for a moment, considering just leaving.

"Don't just stand there like an idiot, get inside." I jump slightly at his voice, and turn towards him. He's smirking, and after a moment he raises an eyebrow at me and gestures to the door. "You do know how a door works, don't you? Or do I need to tutor you in that as well."

I was right.

I don't respond, biting the inside of my cheek in annoyance as I open the door, holding it open for him. I gesture for him to go inside and he narrows his eyes as he steps past me into the room.

I step inside, leaving the door open and start to walk over towards him.

"Close the door." He says, his back towards me.


He sighs. "Just do it, Y/N." He snaps slightly. I sigh annoyedly and close the door roughly. I hear him chuckle lightly, and mutter something that sounds like... never mind I must have heard him wrong.

I walk back over to him and he stands near the table, looking at me carefully.

"Sit." He says after a beat, his lip curling slightly in a snarl as he speaks.

I sit down, and pull the chair in, placing my books on the table.

"So..." He says slowly, his lip curling up into a smirk.

This cocky motherfucker. He wants to savor this moment.

"What is it that you need help with?" He asks, raising an eyebrow.

"I assumed you'd know that already." I return bitingly, and his gaze doesn't falter.

"I'd watch your tone, darling, since you're the one who's desperate for my help." He says, his eyes darkening.

"Potions." I say coldly.

"What specifically." He asks.

"I can't seem to remember the affects that go with each potion." I reply.

"Good... Open your book to page 207." He says.

"207? We're only on—"

"Just do as I say." He drawls out annoyedly.

I hesitate but do it, and he smirks.

"Read it out loud." He says.

I open the book and flip to page 207, and I narrow my eyes when I see what page he has me on.

Lust potion...

"Go on." He says, and I look up at him.

"This has nothing to do with what we're studying right now." I say, and he raises his eyebrows at me.

"I believe I'm the one tutoring you." He says, and I look back down, shaking my head slightly.

"The Libidine, or lust potion," I begin to read, "is a simple potion to understand." I glance up at Riddle, and he stares back at me, smirk unmoving. "It is made from—"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2021 ⏰

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