I'm Back. 😉

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Hi guys it's been a long while. I want to start off by saying wow thank you all so much for the support of this book, it means so much. Now I don't want to get anyone's hopes up, because now as an adult I attend uni and have a job, however I am thinking about picking up my writing again and may continue this book or start another. After going through and checking everything on my account I have notice I have some more recent fans of this book. So, pls let me know if you would like a continuation of this book or a brand new book either about sterek or something else. As over the years I have joined some other fandoms 😂.  I would also like to address some things from this book that don't align with my beliefs anymore. I do not condone or agree with the romanticisation of self harm and mental health issues. It is harmful to young people everywhere and should not be glorified in movies, books or even fan fictions. If you are struggling with things like this you are not alone. I romanticised it as I was going through it while writing this and wished someone would save me but you can't wish and wait. You are the only one who can save you pls talk to those around you who love you trust me they want to help in anyway they can. You are loved.

Yea so that is all really, um I hope to hear from you about how you wish for me to continue.😘

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