Chapter 5

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Naruto's Pov

One day I had enough of these useless so called "bonding missions" aka D rank missions which I call "useless missions".

"Aw, come on jiji ! Give us a C rank mission. I have enough of these nonsense missions especially tora mission." I pouted.

Everyone looked at me shocked as they've never seen me expressing these types of emotions. To tell you the truth I was also shocked at myself.
"What the hell happened, Kurama?" I asked.
"Kit good news. It has returned." (A/N You will soon know later at the ending of the whole story.)
I immediately jumped in joy. The spectators kept staring at me.
Ignoring the stares, I again faced jiji and said, "Please jiji, give us a C rank mission."

"A-Alright, Naruto, Anbu bring in Tanzuna."

A man drinking liquor came in, looked around and said, "Don't tell me that an emo duckbutt, a pinkie and one eyed masked man is supposed to protect me. But I think that the blondie is quite powerful judging from his standing position and his sword."

I smiled at the nicknames. I could hear Kurama laughing out loud. Meanwhile Kakashi's and Sasuke's eye twitched.

"Tanzuna, we can escort you to the waves without your hair being harmed." Kakashi said.

"Yeah ,yeah we will see. Just protect me against any danger."

"Kakashi sensei, shouldn't there be any danger in C Rank mission." Sakura asked

I could see Tanzuna sweating profusely. He swallowed a thick saliva into his throat. I immediately knew that something was wrong.

Next day

We were on our way to the wave. I stuck a conversation with Sasuke and Sakura. We talked about our future and a certain closet pervert.

Suddenly, I noticed some drops of puddle on the ground. I walked to a safe distance from the puddle and shouted "That's the worst disguise I have ever seen in my life. There are puddles on the ground when there is no rain for at least a week."
Immediately the puddle transformed into two humans. I immediately recognised them. The Demon Brothers.
They threw their chains at Kakashi and immediately sliced him into half. I immediately transformed my hand into a crystal blade and started to defend myself against the bladed chains.

 I immediately transformed my hand into a crystal blade and started to defend myself against the bladed chains

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Suddenly, I stabbed one of them unintentionally into his face, killing him instantly. I didn't notice that I killed him so I started to fighting the other demon brother. I finally knocked him out and looked at the other one and froze. A thousand thoughts ran through my mind. True, I did it out of rage and unintentionally but I just killed a human being.

These thoughts continued coming to mind until I felt a touch on my shoulder. It was Kakashi sensei.
"Take a deep breath, Naruto." I did as he said. He then started explaining to me about my deeds and actions. He then gave me some solutions to deal with these types of situations.

We then discussed the situation with Tanzuna and he explained everything to us. We all held a vote if we should continue the mission or to abandon it. We all decided to continue the mission. I said "What about the unconscious demon brother?"
Kakashi then tooks out a kunai which hethrusted it into the male's throat, who immediately died and said "We don't want him to seek revenge for killing his brother and get stronger. Do we?"
I said nothing. Instead I took out my kunai and stabbed it in my hand shocking everyone instantly.
As the blood came out flowing, I said "Poison." Soon we were on the way again.

30 minutes later.

I threw a kunai into a bush killing a rabbit instantly. I thought "Why on the earth is a snow rabbit is here in summer?" Instantly my eyes widened in realisation and I shouted "Everyone Duck." Immediately everyone ducked as a sword came rushing above their head.

"Zabuza Momoichi, one of the swordsman of the hidden mist and a rogue ninja." I said.

"Well its a pleasure to meet you Sharingan no Kakashi." He said ignoring me.

As Kakashi was about to raise his hitai-ate I quickly said "No I will fight with him." He smirked and said "What can you do bra-" His eyes went wide before dodging the crystal kunais rushing to him. "Don't underestimate the boy" Kakashi sensei said. "What was that?" Zabuza asked. I smirked and said "None of your business."

Before he could raise his sword, he fell down. I wasn't surprised at all as I had already felt that chakra. It was a masked hunter nin. He said "Well done. You just dealt with one of the swordsman of mist."
He was just about to take the body and go away when I said "Aren't the hunter nins supposed to burn the body?"

He immediately looked at me alarmed and lied "Well you see, we have some special provisions for S rank ninjas. Soooo....."

"LIAR" I screamed and rushed to him with my crystal blade and stabbed him into his heart. He started coughing out blood before dying. I then stabbed Zabuza's leg and found that he wasn't dead. I then stabbed him in his throat killing him instantly.

I then looked at Kakashi who was still shocked since from the beginning. The others were also shocked to see me being heartless. I then decided to have some fun so I send out a sadistic smile. They were shocked to see me smiling.

I said " Alright now come on. Let's go." And then I was filled with tiredness and everything became black.

Sasuke's POV

Sensei got out of shock and quickly caught him muttering "Chakra Overusage".
"Wow" I muttered. "So much power he has. Anyways,sensei I would like to carry him."
Sakura was trying to get him back to consciousness by sprinkling water on Naruto's face but was unsuccessful. So I carried in piggyback position to Tanzuna's house. I started remembering myself being carried by Itachi. Soon on our way he recovered his consciousness and asked "Why are you, my rival, carrying me?"
"I don't know."

"Anyways,sensei I would like to carry him."
He gave me an eye smile and said "Oh so you are disregarding author's wishes of no yaoi tag"
"What do you mean?"
"Don't you know that half of your fanbase ships both of you?"
I looked at Naruto and gagged.
"I don't know."


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