Chapter 12

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Naruto's PoV

The day I used to fear has finally come.

I was walking through the streets of Konoha when I saw Sakura sleeping on a bench. I immediately woke her up and asked her what happened.

"Sasuke.... He has left the village."
My eyes went wide as I processed the information. "WHAT!? We have to report it to Baa Chan right now. Come with me."

Hokage's Tower

I broke into the office by breaking down the door and shouted "BAA CHAN....."


"WHAT?! Naruto go and ask the Rookie 9 to get here right now.''

30 minutes later.

After I gathered the members of Rookie 9, Baa Chan made me and Shikamaru the leader.

We quickly moved out the village.

I couldn't help but think "Its going just as I expected. If it goes on according to Kurama it will not only change my whole life but also the lives of other jinchchurikis."

As we were advancing, we were forced to fight against a fat man named Jirobo. But we were forced to go ahead leaving Choji to deal with him.

On the way a freak with spider justu came out of nowhere and we left Neji and Hinata to deal with him.

It went on like this: Kiba, Akamaru and Shino were asked to fight against Sakon, Shikamaru was left to fight against Ukon.

Soon Lee and I were advancing in a clearing when a man with white hair came out of nowhere. I was just about to fight him but Lee asked me to advance and rescue Sasuke Uchiha.

I caught up with him at the valley of end. "Sasuke, that's enough. Stop right there. Tell me why are you going to the dark side? Is it because of your revenge? Or is it because of lust for power?"

"I am trying to break the bonds which makes me weak. I will go to train with Orochimaru and become stronger and will finally kill Itachi."

"Kill Itachi?" I angrily spat. "KILL ITACHI? YOU HAVE GONE MAD SASUKE. Revenge is never the answer. It will tear up your life and in the end even if you get revenge, you will only get emptiness."
"Well if I kill someone close to you then only you will understand."
"Well I have already felt that." I said sadly and then smiled, "Did you forget that I was all alone for my whole life? I had only one whom I can call as my brother."
" Who? Tell me so I can kill him and make you feel what I feel right now."
"You."I said with a smile.
"Well is that so. Then I have no choice but to fight against you."


As the rasengan and chidori clashed, I felt Sasuke's chidori Going through my chest, missing my heart. But my Rasengan threw him backwards and crashing into the Madara's statue. We both fell down into yhe the water and were knocked out for sometime. I was the first one to recover consciousness. Soon he also recovered.

"Hey dobe, it seems you have won again." He smirked.
I ignored him and slowly got up clutching my injured chest and went to Sasuke. I sat down and started transforming Kyuubi chakra into his seal, hoping it would break under the force. Fortunately the seal broke and I said "Sasuke, I have liberated you from the curse seal. Never give up to the darkness and I want you to make a promise."

"What is it, dobe?"
"Will you avenge me if I get killed by someone?'
"Obviously I will take revenge on him or her."
"Good but please stay away from the dark side."

He stared at me and said "Stop saying as if you will be killed. You are freaking me out."

I chuckled as I got up and offered my hand to Sasuke which he accepted. I then carried him to Konoha where others were waiting. The next moment, I let go of Sasuke who said "What happe-"

Everything became black and the last thing I heard was "NARUTO! ARE YO-"


I was running through the streets of Konoha. It was 10 th October, the day which was feared by me. It was the day when the Kyubbi festival is held and I am hunted by the people of Konoha.

I was suddenly sorrounded.
"Please tell me what what did I do to deserve to be treated like a trash." I said tears coming out. Instead, they started hitting me. I was unable to move properly. I lost sight of one of my eyes. After they were done, I lost my consciousness.

Soon I opened my eyes to discover that I was in the hospital.
"What happened, Kurama?" I asked.

"Naruto, 2 bad news. You have lost your eyes and....." He sighed and continued " and your heart. And number 2 you will not be able to express any emotions due to the missing heart."

".......WHAT DO YOU MEAN?" I shouted.

"You have to believe this even though its unbelievable. It has no explanation. But the only thing I can say is that you will not die."

Flashback No Jutsu KAI

Recieving this flashback, I quickly opened my eyes startled and saw that I was in the hospital. I looked around and saw Baa Chan, Sakura, Hinata and Kakashi sensei.

"" I managed to talked out.

"Ahh! So you are awake. Sasuke is out of danger and his curse seal has vanished due to unexplainable reasons. And he is sent to T&I as a punishment for leaving Konoha. He will stay there for at least 3 days."

I looked at everyone's reaction. Sakura had a face of gratefulness. Kakashi was proud of me. Meanwhile Hinata, well as usual, was blushing.

"Anyways you need to rest for a few days."Tsunade said.

"Hai Baa Chan."

3 days later

I soon recovered and released from the Hospital. I was planning to go to Ichiraku ramen when an anbu came in front of me and said "Naruto, the council would like to see you."

Immediately I realised that something was off. I would have asked the anbu but I decided to do it later.

Council Room

I looked around and saw Baa Chan with tears in her eyes. Before I was about to ask, a blonde haired kunoichi stood up and said.
"Those who want the demon to be exiled, please raise your hand."

Before I was about to react almost every one in the civilian side except the Nara, Haruno and Hyuuga clans raised their hands.

I looked up and saw Koharu and Hamura raising their hands too. I was surprised to see Danzo not raising his hand.

I couldn't speak. I was startled.

A/N: Ha Ha Ha A Cliffhanger. Anyways lets get serious. I am sorry for not being able to upload for some days. It was, as mentioned, due to exams. And I realise that it was shorter than usual.

Edit: Sorry for publishing this chapter again. Actually I edited the last part of the story. Thank you

Anyways as usual
Peace out.

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