Chapter 10

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Naruto's PoV

Today was the final for the chunin exams. I was walking to the stadium all alone. Soon I got there after talking to Hinata.

When I was about to enter, a man stopped me and said "What are you doing here, demon fox?" I chose to ignore him and walked into the stadium. He blocked my way again. I sighed and said, "Look, I have an exam to take. So will you please let me go?" He only laughed and said "Sorry can't let that happen." It was my turn to laugh next.
"Well, I am right here." I said from his behind. He looked at me as I walked away and looked at where he presumed I should be revealing it was a clone.

I walked into the stadium and saw Sakura was already there. She was seething in anger. I went to her and asked her if everything is ok.
"Its Sasuke, he is not here yet.
"Calm down Naruto. Ah! They are calling the candidates for the first match."

"Uzumaki Naruto and Hyuga Neji please come down and take your positions." The proctor, Genma announced.

As I came down, a lot of people started discouraging me. I decided to ignore them and stared at Neji. He was smirking to himself. This showed that he was overconfident.

"I will not hold back against the one who almost killed Hinata." I thought as I took my position.

"You will not win because destiny favours me. So forfeit the match." He said.
"No I will never ever give up so that I can become a hokage."
"You will never become a hokage because of destiny." He said taking his position too and activating his byakugan.

"START!" The proctor shouted.
But we stood looking at each other waiting for someone to start. A lot of people started getting impatient and shouted "Give up demon child, we are waiting for other matches."
I ignored them as I cannot lose focus. I jumped over as he rushed in for a strike. It was close.

He rushed to me again, shouting"8 triagrams 64 palms. 2 palms ....4 palms .....8 palms....16 palms......32 palms......64 PALMS! And I was right about destiny." He said as he finished his 64 palms. Genma was just about to check if I am alright or not but I suddenly poofed in the air revealing that he was just fighting against a clone.
"A CLO..!" But he was cut off as I came from behind him and hit on one of his leg thus temporarily fracturing him.
Since he was unable to continue, he gave up.
"I know that something is wrong with your family. Now tell me why did you torture Hinata psychologically? What did she do to you? Just spill out all the facts besides your clan's secrets."
He sighed and said "Naruto there are two branches in hyuga family. One is the main family which Hinata belongs to and the other is branch family where I belong to. The main family can treat us in whatever ways they wish to do so. Hey, can you please open the hitai ate?"
I did as he asked and was shocked to see a curse mark.
"The main family members put this mark on branch members so that they can put us under their control." (A/N Correct me if I am wrong.)
He then went on explaining his story.
I then gave him a lecture on destiny. After he was taken away on a stretcher by the medics, I looked at jiji and the kazekage. I had a gut feeling saying that the kazekage was upto something. He was looking at me in fearful uncovered eyes. I ignored that man and started going to the plateform.

Next was Uchiha Sasuke and Subaku No Gaara. Great! Two jerks. It would be interesting to see. We all waited for mentioned competitors to come but Sasuke never came. So their match was postponed as according to kazekage. "Something's fishy."
Anyways next match was between Shikamaru and Temari. Their match was full of tactics to say the least. The Nara was just about to win when he forefeited. I was really annoyed by that lazy boy. So when he came near to me I gave him a long lecture for that action. But he only said "It was a drag." I hit him on his head for that and sighed.
The next match was between Shino Aburamae and Subaku No Kankuro in which Shino won.
"That Bakashi is late again." I thought stamping my foot on the floor out of frustration. "If he plans on arriving late again, I will kill him."
Suddenly, the wind started blow some leaves. There was a whirlwind in the middle of the field. In there appeared Kakashi and Sasuke. I immediately appeared before Kakashi via shunshin and whispered into his ear "I. Will. Rip. Your. Mask. From. Your. Face. If. You. Are. Late. Again."
He laughed sheepishly saying that he got lost on the path called life. I smacked my head. Genma asked Kakashi and me to go to the plateform and watch the match.
In the middle of their match, feathers were seen in all parts of stadium. "Genjutsu.." I muttered before releasing it. Immediately I saw Suna and Oto ninjas attacking the konoha nins. I looked around to see that besides the
Senseis, Sakura The Sand Siblings and myself everyone was sleeping. I looked around and saw Sasuke and Gaara still fighting each other. Gaara went somewhere else but Sasuke followed him after obtaining orders from Genma. I looked at the sleeping nara with doubt. He started twitching his eyes showing that he was just pretending. I hit on his head making him to wake up rudely. Kakashi asked Sakura, Shikamaru and Sakura to go after Sasuke. I quickly summoned a fox named Sumi.
"Sumi lead us to this scent." I said taking a shred of Sasuke's cloth lying on the ground. He then smelled the cloth and started leading us into the forest. I literally had to pull Shikamaru out of the stadium.

Soon we reached the clearing after leaving Shikamaru to deal with some enemy ninjas. There we saw that a cursed marked Sasuke was fighting with.....half transformed Gaara?
"What is happening, Kurama?"
"Kit, its bad, really really bad. He is about to transform himself into Shukaku, the one tailed beast."

I looked as he rushed to Sasuke with his transformed hands and was aboit to kill him but Sakura got on his way and was pinned to a tree. It happened so fast that I didn't even realise what just happened.
"Who? Who are these to you?" He asked.
"THEY ARE MY FRIENDS." I shouted in anger.
"Come on forget about your insignificant friends and fight for your own sake." He said.
I looked in silent horror as he clutched his head and shouting.
"Maybe he is having flashbacks of what happened throughout his life till now." I thought.

After 10 ten minutes of using clone to fight against him, he suddenly fully transformed into shukaku.
"Kit, summon fox king now."
I immediately summoned the fox king named kitsune. His size was equal to the the one tailed beast. "I am supposed to fight with that Shukaku. Isn't it?" He asked.
"Yeah Kitsune, please help me to fight with him.''
He then charged the beast.

Sometime later, in a blink of an eye I found myself in a desert.
"Where are we, Kurama?" I asked
"Gaara's mind. His mind is full of sand. We are here to search for Shukaku and seal him."

Suddenly I saw a beast. It was the Shukaku.
"Kit, switch with me."
"Ok, Kurama."

The fox started fighting against the raccoon which was insulting him. He won after he released Rasenshuriken through his mouth which was powered by me.

In another blink of an eye, I found myself in the real world. Gaara was lying on the ground probably exhausted and injured. I then went to Gaara and said " I don't know what you are feeling but I know it hurts. It really hurts. The pain of being alone is really painful. Isn't it? They saved me from the troubles of being alone. I was accepted whoever I was."
"How is that you can fight so much for other people?"

I was just about to say something when Sasuke interrupted me by saying "Its enough, Naruto. We are all fine."
Suddenly Temari and Kankuro arrived and were just about to fight against us.
"That's enough." Gaara ordered them to retreat. Kankuro carried Gaara and left with Temari.

I then rushed to the place where jiji was fighting against Orochimaru after asking Sasuke to go to hospital with Sakura. But it was too late. Jiji died in the battle after taking away the Oro-pedo's hands or whatever. I was badly shaken by his death.
"I WILL AVENGE YOU BY KILLING OROCHIMARU." I shouted in great anger.
A/N In the next chapter I will introduce Itachi and Kisame.

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