Chapter 15

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Sasuke's PoV

I woke up in the Konoha hospital. The first thing I remembered was Naruto's dead body and Silent Blonde standing over him. Tears came out from my eyes as I had seen my best friend die. It all happened because of me. I have lost one of my best friend. His potential was wasted.

If only I was not weak.

If only I had not fallen in the curse mark's overwhelming effects.

If only I hadn't live a life of vengeance.

If only I had been able to take power from Konoha patiently so that I could have defeated Itachi.

If only I stood up for him when he was beaten by the villagers

Then Naruto had not fallen into the hands of death.

I suddenly remembered the promise I made to Naruto regarding the revenge. And after a few days of making the promise, he died. It might be a coincidence or he already know that his death was  coming.

I thought with tears flowing down my eyes. "Naruto I will fulfill my promise even if it means dying. But I will do it."

Soon, I was released from the hospital. I first decided to go and meet the hokage.

Hokage's tower

I sadly opened the door and saw Lady Tsunade still doing her work. It seems that she doesn't know that Naruto is dead.

"Enter. You are the first one to recover. So, what happened?"

I said nothing but just looked at the floor. But she didn't get the hint.

I sighed and said "Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze....." and stopped right there. Her eyes widened and I finally completed with broken voice ".......has been killed"

Tsunade's PoV

"....Has been killed." My blood froze and tears were threatening to spill out from my eyes.

Sasuke slowly turned, opened the door and slowly left.

Immediately after he left, I finally let out my tears. The tears flowed out from my eyes automatically.

Dan, Nawaki and now Naruto. They were all killed.

I let out an agonizing scream and started weeping out loudly.

That boy who always wanted to become the hokage is now killed. The same boy who managed to get me out of my depression resulted from Dan's death has been killed.

How would I ever face Jiraiya? I can't face him.

Sasuke's PoV

After I left the Hokage's office, my heart broke when I heard an agonizing scream of Lady Hokage. She usually never shows these types of emotions.

I slowly went to Hinata's house, the Hyuuga Compound because I knew that Hinata always loved Naruto.

I knocked the door and a maid opened it. I sadly said that I would like to meet Hinata.

Hinata's PoV

"Something was definitely wrong today." I thought."

Suddenly a branch member called me saying that Sasuke would like to see me. It was unusual as I had never interacted with him before.

I quickly ran to the door to see a sad Sasuke.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Hinata Saan......"

Suddenly, Neji along with Lee came out and enquired Sasuke if everyone is alright.

"Nothing is alright."

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