Home Sweet

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After the fiasco with Tommy and Wilbur died down, Wilbur had given you a brief tour, which meant that you got a peek at an absolutely massive potato farm, and then got to look at a bunch of rocks.

Good rocks.

Wilbur showed you where everyone slept, and for the first night you had to spend there, no bed on you, you just picked the biggest one and conked out.

Nothing in particular stood out. Had a weird dream with huge cats, and really tiny Hoglins that could teleport your items into their hands, but other then that, you woke up and it was normal.

You were actually the first to wake up. It surprised you that a revolution didn't have as early as a schedule as you did, but you shrugged it off and got to work.

And by work, you meant digging in your backpack until you found all the supplies for all of your warm drinks.

Tea, hot chocolate, coffee, anything under the sun you could get your hands on.

Leaving your bag next to the bed you slept in, you walked out of the room in search of a means of making your drinks.

The furnace directly next to the chests would serve the purpose, so you walked up, half rubbing sleep out of your eye, and set all your things on top of the chest.

Plopping the kettle down onto the furnace, popping some water in and stoking some coal below it, you had to wait.

Waiting in a ravine wasn't the best way to wait around, but it certainly wasn't as bad as when you first walked in.

Now, you knew there were people living here, and it provided you comfort in some strange sense.

Safety in numbers. And a few other lines like that could describe your mental state.

It took another five minutes, but once the kettle started to whistle, you popped in everything you needed for coffee, adding a few cocoa beans just to give it some sort of flavor.

It was around that time that you heard digging. Coming from the entrance room up the stairs.

Which meant someone was entering the little hideaway you had here.

Tensing, you listened to their footsteps.

The entrance was closed behind them, and they shuffled around in the room.

Their footfalls were careful sounding. Each one muffled and quiet. It sounded like they knew exactly where they wanted to go, no fumbling involved.

The only other person who knows about this ravine, other then the people already here, was Technoblade.

So surely it had to be him.

It couldn't be anyone else.

Unless it was anyone else.

Like Quackity. Or Jschatt.

With a shudder, you lazer focused onto the top balcony, their steps trotting down the spiral staircase.

You saw the top of their head before anything else, and the familiar sheen of a gold crown, and the Miller pink hair that rustled under it was all you needed to see.

Just Techno. Phew.

You kept staring, watching him meander down the steps, waiting for him to notice you were in the room.

He didn't see you until he got to the second crossing, woodtrap doors creaking as he finally noticed someone else was in the ravine with him.

"Morning." You softly murmured, waving a half-hearted hand at him.

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