Crow Father

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The start of your day is similar to every other day you've had. Except for the sleeping part.

It was early morning when you rose from the prison that is the strip mine.

Your tunnels were getting so long that it would take hours to walk them. Who knows what lie above them, if anything at all. Hours was a long time to walk, but here you were. Back in the ravine because you planned things properly for once.

Your pocket watch told you everyone should be asleep, so hesitantly you decide to check, making your way to the bedroom and hesitantly peeking in.

Tommy was dead on his bed, curled into his blankets and wearing a shirt that let his downy feathered wings breath.

On a different side of the room Tubbo was asleep as well, sprawled out on his bed and making the smallest bah'ing noise.


For however much unresolved tension is between both of you, a smile rose to your face. You've grown too fond of both of them to ever consider not caring.

Ducking out of the room you look around the ravine. They can get their rest.

God knows they need it.

After however long you were marinating near the bedrock's cold chill, you were frozen. The cold had sunk into you so far that now that you were at an area that had more warmth, you could still barely warm up.

Rubbing your hands together, you thumbed over the your cold palm before taking a glance at the ravine steps.



It's too risky to walk out and about.

That's what you'd like to tell yourself. Everyone else freely came and went- what keeps you from doing the same?

And the sun would be- incredibly nice to warm up in, you must admit.

Maybe- maybe just a small few minutes.

Your mind tugged at you, throwing you pros and cons- everything that can go wrong, but then everything that could go just right.

You were halfway up the steps when you realized you were walking, and by then you didn't feel like stopping to turn back around, so you just kept walking until you reached the dirt room.

L'dog was gone.

Told you just how much you came up here.

But that wasn't nearly as stringent on your mind.

What really bothered you was the fact that the dirt was left open.

The entrance into Pogtopia wasn't even hidden anymore-


Your mind told you.

You weren't safe hiding there anyway- so why not enjoy the fresh air.

You had to agree with your mind.

The warmth on your skin felt wonderful, and you weren't even in the sun yet.

Taking a few steps outside you looked as though to check if the coast was clear, perking up when everything was calm, and clear, and filled with nature.

You needed a better spot to sit.

A place with more sun.

Like a predator you stalk around the base of the hill, eyeing any spots that were free of trees. Eventually you settled for walking up to the top of the hill, where fewer trees were splotched around.

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