We Need to Talk

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It wasn't surprising when Techno didn't return the next day.

Or the day after.

Gone again it seemed.

For how long and when he'd return? You couldn't even begin to gander.

He left when he pleased, and returned as he pleased, and you could only hope he was getting proper sleep.

Like you were.

If oversleeping counted.

You found that you'd been doing that alot lately

Sleeping for far too long, only to wake up at noon and wonder where everyone was.

Like now.

You were standing in the middle of the ravine- still not quite awake and glancing around for signs of life.

Of which there were none.

Tommy was probably with Tubbo- God knows they're practically inseparable.

That was about the only person you could guess the location of, and you were too sleepy to keep properly pondering the thought, so you shambled to your nook in an attempt to gather yourself.

Patterns to do- regular actions to take to wake yourself.

Today was a hot chocolate kinda day, and you scorned the fact that you didn't have any cocoa beans for this particular morning.

Scorned it so much that you stared at your tea bags, and your coffee for a solid ten minutes, wishing and crafting ideas of how to get cocoa beans again.

No ideas of which would be simple, and all of which would need to be powered by some other sort of warm drink.

H e a t.


Heat sounds good.

Maybe you can make due with the drinks you have now.

Hustling about you start to boil your water, leaning on the edge of the counter while you wait, calmly taking in the ravine you've come to know as home.

Did you miss your cottage?

To some extent.

You liked that you could decorate it to your hearts content because of the fact that it was all and truly yours, but without friendships? Without tethers to other sentient beings?

The cottage was maddening.

Here was a good place you decided.

A rustling at the top steps reached your ears, dirt breaking, dirt placed.

Someone was entering.

You heard L'dog give a happy bark, and the sound of his tail thumping on the stone immediately let you know who was home.

Only one person makes L'dog wag his tail.

Wilbur fucking Soot.

You needed to corner him.

You needed to talk to him.

Very badly.

Because seeing Tommy so distressed made you feel distressed, and stress was a horrible thing.

How would you get him to stop for you though? He specifically avoids you because of mistrust.

The whistling of your water pot drew your attention.


Of course.

You knew exactly what to do.

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