Depressing Grandpa

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You feel heavenly.

Freshly rested and stretch- stretch- streeeetching, in the wake of morning.

You haven't woken up this well rested in what feels like ages.

It was like there was a weight lifted off you, and suddenly every breath you took let you inhale all the oxygen you needed.

It helped that Techno was conked out next to you, emiting a warmth that completely counteracted the chill of the morning.

But primarily you just felt.... good. Which, doesn't seem to happen often.

You smiled, glancing over to Techno's sleeping back, before nuzzling your head into him to feel cozy for just a little longer.

He didn't stir, deep breaths coming and going slowly and softly.

His back was so wide. Shoulders wired with muscle and sinew.

It was probably uncomfortable for him to sleep on his side even though he looks pretty comfy, nestled in pelts and curled up facing the bed exit.

Stretching one last time, you decide to sit up and carefully crawl over Techno to get out of the bed.

With a glance back, you confirm he's out like a light, face relaxed and eyelashes pressed against his cheeks.

For being such a brute, he's always so pretty.

Smiling you lean down and smooth some of his hair out of his face, stealing one last glance before fully turning around and climbing down the ladder.

Without seeing who was in the room you call out a quiet, "Good morninnngg...!"

The fire looked freshly started and at the crafting table Phil seemed to be fiddling with some materials.

"Mornin' mate!" He calls, "I thought you'd be sleeping in?"

You rose an eyebrow, "How early is it?"

"Way earlier then usual- you all good? Didn't wake up with a nightmare did you?" Phil's voice is concerned.

"Naw- I- actually feel really good." You say, "Really good. I swear I haven't felt this rested since before Mom died."

"Ah- speaking of which I wanted to ask you about that." Phil says, finally setting the material he was messing with down, instead grabbing some steak and turning to lean against the table.

"Ask me... about my dead mom...?"

"Jesus no-" He cackles, "I wanted to ask what you did yesterday. I wanted to let you cool off before grilling you, and I think you're cooled off now."

"Oh." You take a moment to stare at him before meandering over to the food chest and rumaging in it, "I feel like you already know where I was."

"Yeah. I also feel like I know where you were." He pauses, "But I wanted to hear it straight from the horses mouth rather then just make assumptions."

Stuffing some bread in your mouth you harrump, chewing it without rush and staring at Phil, who also chewed at his steak, respectively.

Swallowing you finally answered, "Had a little family reunion. Got to see my brother face to face."

Phil stared patiently and inquisitively at you, still chewing his steak.

"It... was good for a bit."

Phil scoffs with amusement, "A bit? Gods- lemme guess- he saw Techno?"

"He saw Techno before I saw him." You grimace- remembering the horror that shot through you when you realized death could have very well been waiting right beside your brother, ready to claim Techno's life.

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