Adult Napped

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Another day of Pogtopia. Another day where you were supposed to be getting up to make your warm drink. Where you were supposed to be contributing to the cause.

It was the day after you hugged Techno.

A flush nearly passed your face and you immediately dropped the thought.

This wasn't a day after a nice hug.

This was the day after everyone was sitting at your little table and arguing.

Arguing. Eck.

Everything was turning into a huge pattern, and you felt sick with how suffocating it was starting to be.

So being the reasonable person you are, you decided to sleep in. Because only getting an hour of sleep was not at all doable for you. You needed all the sleep you could.

Even if that meant no calming hot drinks.

Because maybe that'll solve your problems.

Instead of peacefulness though you get half woken up by Tommy pestering you.

A whisper first. One you don't at all hear, but somewhere vaguely in the back of your head your conscious self twitches.

Next a louder voice- one that again you refused to hear.

Then the shaking started- Two hands on your shoulder, shaking you back and forth on your bed until you were forced to angrily sit up and glare at the offender.

"Tommy." You grumble out- voice so gravelly it could pass as someone else's entirely.

"Get up bitch- we're going on an adventure."

"No. Sleep time." Grabbing the blankets, you rolled over and smothered yourself in the fabric.

"Come onnn- get up- I know you wanna have some quality Tommy time- I mean who doesn't?" You could physically feel his grin emitinating in your direction.

First you drown yourself in your mining work. Then you go to bed still stressed, and now you're woken up way too earlier by Tommy when you really didn't want to get up.

"Is everyone else out?" You question, still curled up in your blankets.

"Naw- Tubbos here. Me and him are gonna go fuck around outside- you know-" he snatched your blankets away faster then you could process, "the usual. Deep convos, some in depth talk of poo- anything a person should have on an adventure."

You were focused solely on your blankets. That were held very far away from your spot on your now cold bed. Fuck. You love being warm- you needed those back.

Tommy's grin grew just a bit wider, "When was the last time you washed these? You know what they say about unwashed sheets-" he put a finger in the air, " 'Unwashed sheets mean someone needs to go on an adventure'."

Sitting up a little farther you growl out a noise of displeasure, "No one says that." You look at him as his eye brows furrow and immediatly reconsider sleeping all day, "But I'll humor you." Sliding off the bed, you lumber over and snatched the blankets from him and throw them back onto your bed.

Rather then get back into the bed like you wanted to, you decide to relent to him. Which you do after staring longingly at the blankets for a few seconds.

"Alright- where we going."

"Well- we don't rightly know- but aye-" he shrugs, "Adventure am I right?"

You nod, squinting down at your hands. Sore from all the mining. Sore because you wanted to soak yourself in nothing but pure drone work.

The breif silence left Tommy to gather his own thoughts it seemed. His happy go lucky grin faded into a hopeful, but worried grimace.

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