House Conspiracy

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You'd think with Phil being back, it'd be great news.

Rejoicing all around, for our favorite old man is once again apart of the odd band of people living under this household roof.

However- Techno was- avoidant.

For a number of reasons.

And more so avoidant of Phil when... you were in the room.

Every time he so much as said something to you in passing, Phil would shoot him this... look.

This- smug cat that got the canary look- and he mildly knew why, but he also hated the way it made him self aware.

Wake up in the morning, idling his way downstairs, find you sorting through some fancy pebbles, and his first action is to pinch your elbow-


At least, Techno thinks it's affectionate. Recently he just... been doing things without thinking.

More so, touching you without thinking.

Bopping you on the noggin, tapping your knuckles, leaning on you-

All things where he doesn't realize he's doing it- and then-

And then that crazy old man leans into peripheral and smiles, and it has Techno reeling back into his own personal space.

He's never been so... not in his own body before.

And Phil makes him aware of that.

Which is why when he wakes up, you tucked into his side without a care in the world, he forces himself to think third person before getting all...




His first instinct was to just grab you- pull you tighter against him and sink into a big ball of sleep, pelts, and warmth.

But no.

He had plans.

He had things in motion, and he needed to work on those things more then he needed to... be here.

With you.

He pursed his lips, feeling the voices start acting up- stray thoughts inter weaving with everything the voices had to say.

Hug buddy this, hug buddy that- touch skin this- cuddle that-

His eyes flickered to your lips for just a moment before be shot out of bed as quietly and softly as possible.



You were dangerous.

He crawled down, house warm with fire, but windows dark without the sun up yet.

With Phil here, the fire never goes out. Considering the old man sleeps by the fire, it's incredibly easy to throw logs on.

Techno steps into the room, seeing Phil's sleeping form sprawled out in front of the fire.

His wings are stretched out, feathers gently brushing the edges of the room.

Techno takes it upon himself to start prepping ingredients, make some kind of breakfast for him and Phil. And you.

And maybe Tommy.


He'd have to wake Tommy up.

Daily chores.

As he's digging through the chest for food supplies, a small amount of shuffling occurs near the fire, and before he knows it a voice softly calls.

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