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In waking up, Hyunjin felt fine. But only until the previous events doubled up on him and his heart started to ache. He was alone in bed, Minho perhaps gone down for whatever time of food it was, Kkami no doubt to follow where food was. But the coolness that normally was filled with the body heat of another made him feel alone.

In thinking of his mother, he wished their time together was spent better. Their life before the turn was better, his connections with his father even then weren't the best, but his mother tried to make theirs flourish. She'd make him breakfast, take him out into the non rich and fancy world, showing him low priced stores, clothing that regular boys wore. She made him feel like he belonged in the world that never truly felt like home.

And even upon their reconnection, she'd bring homemade treats, old things of his she'd kept hidden away to freeze the memory in time. But other times it was serious, she didn't get to experience the child she'd wished back, the child she'd hoped would come home unscathed. Yet instead he was part of a mafia, and was against in father in every way.

So was it his fault? He'd refused to come home and be the kid his parents had though they raised. Was it wrong of him to refuse his teachings, to be someone free? Maybe not, but in the end it took a turn, a turn that always creeps up on him and takes advantage. It took his mother this time and their was no way to get her back.

He stared at the arrangement of flowers on his window. His mother brought those her last visit, claimed they used to be his favorite type from the garden at home. Hyunjin felt bad. The way his mother said the words 'used to' seemed to be like a lost timeline, one secretly erasing itself from time as a whole.

Then he stared at the ring on his nightstand; a simple band with a disproportionate heart carved in the center, a simple red diamond took the tiniest of space in the middle of the heart. One side of the heart reached higher and then curved down to meet the other side that didn't reach as far.

His mother explained that it was called a mother's love. The longer side leaning down to care for the shorter. She'd given it to him when he was back home safe. She placed it carefully on his finger and ingrained in his head to never forget your mother's love.

He wouldn't.

"Hyung? Are you awake?" Jeongin peeped through the door, his eyes tired and pained.

Hyunjin smiled and nodded, patting the empty space next to him. Jeongin took no hesitation and he leaped onto the bed, pulling himself under the warmth of blankets. "How are you Hyung?" puppy dog eyes bore into his heart.

Hyunjin broke their gaze, staring at the periwinkle blankets, "I don't know."

He felt Jeongin pull him closer, "It's okay to not know. Things haven't been easy for you and we understand." Hyunjin allowed tears to pool.

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